• hello thanks to astra my website loads very fast just about 2 second also my google page speed and core web are good too . but search console is not loads my site fully and shows my site not mobile friendly
    my site loads in mobile like this :
    but search console see’s it like this :
    search console only see my header and it’s content in html verion – not the posy content

    what can i do ? and what should i do ?
    am i configured my header wrong ?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by alidarkmaster.
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  • Hi @alidarknaster,

    Very pleased to know about your site speed ??

    I am not sure why the Search Console recognizes your site that way. You might want to check your site using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. If the result says that your site is mobile friendly, then it’s mobile friendly.

    I hope it could help.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

    Thread Starter alidarkmaster


    I tried every thing on search console and astra header setting and blog setting problem not solved unless i enabled wprocket file optimization problem is solved but whenever i enable wprocket my sit cls increases

    Hi @alidarknaster,

    We had a user reported that when there is an element in the header (for example logo or toggle button and WP Rocket is active, then the CLS increases.

    Just FYI that Astra code is already optimized. So, when there’s a plugin installed and do another optimation, this probably when the issue comes up. I am wondering if the plugin can exclude a class or ID then maybe you can exclude the Header from the plugin.

    I hope it helps.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

    Thread Starter alidarkmaster


    yes wp rocket have some option for excluding images and codes and i already exclude logo image from lazy loading
    for excluding header what should i do what code or file or class should be excluded ?

    Hi @alidarknaster,

    You can just use the browser inspect element to find the Class or ID that needs to be excluded. You need to do some “trial and error” as I can’t tell you exactly which Class or ID is.

    FYI, our concerned dev team is working on anything related to CLS. We planned to include the release related to CLS in the next update.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

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