Mail not sent to certain providers eg. /
Dear Forminator Team,
I’m currently facing a really strange and very bad issue: submission mails defined in via Email Notifications in the forms are not sent to certain providers. I can confirm that the mails are not being sent out to & provider. or are working for example.
I have the latest available WordPress & forminator installation.
I installed the WP Mail Logging plugin and I can only see outgoing mails myself, not the ones going to mail address of the person submitting the form.
When I fill out the form with my or address, I receive the submission mail.
When I fill out the form with my or address, I don’t receive any mail at all.
I can successfully send mails from my domain to my or address and they are not flagged as spam.Can you please help here?
Thanks in advance!
Exported form:
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Please enter the zip code.", "address_country_required_message": "This field is required. Please select the country.", "address_city_required_message": "Dieses Feld wird ben?tigt.", "address_state_required_message": "This field is required. Please enter the state.", "address_line_required_message": "This field is required. 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{name-1},</p>\n<p>Sie haben sich zu dem Kurs {hidden-1} erfolgreich angemeldet.</p>\n<p>Alle weiteren Informationen erhalten Sie etwa eine Woche vor Kursstart per E-Mail.</p>\n<p>Sie haben die Zahlungsmodalit?ten, Datenschutzbedingungen sowie die Vereinbarungen gelesen und akzeptiert.</p>\n<p><br />Alle Kursinformationen auf einen Blick:</p>\n<p>{hidden-3}</p>\n<p><br /><br /><br />Ich freue mich darauf, Sie und Ihren Hund kennenzulernen.</p>\n<p>Viele Grü?e<br /></p>", "recipients": "{email-1}", "conditions": [], "from-name": "my-domain", "form-email": "", "replyto-email": "[email protected]", "email-recipients": "default", "routing": [] } ] }, "status": "publish", "version": "1.14.11" }
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