WordPress + Woocomerce – Mini cart issue
Hello Litespeed !
Your software is awesome, thank you ! It helps us so much to speed up our site, which is made with DIVI Theme (From eleganThemes) and since it make the website a little…. big fat and slow.. Litespeed it perfect to help a bit on that issue ??
We’ve taken a long time to configure the litespeed worpress PLUGIN, and fixed a lot of issues by now, since we run an e-commerce website. But we have still one issue that we can’t fix. And we’ll hope someone could help us here. ??
It is with the mini-Cart (see Lien vers mon image
When we add some products to the cart, the mini-cart number increase (see attached file, we have 5 products in it) So this number is staying like this on every pages. We can navigate, and it remains 5. Like it should.
But in reality it doesn’t stay with the right product number (in this example 5), on certain pages, like on this one Lien vers mon image
If we navigate on some pages, the mini-cart is not showing the good number. And we think it is a cache issue.
For example on the main page : https://www.leforumdulocal.fr :
Lien vers mon imageWe navigatge, and the cart go to 0.
We’ve noticed that the mini cart works good :
– All category pages => like this https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/categorie-produit/fruits-et-legumes/
– All product pages => like this https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/produit/bargkass-300g/
– All “non cached pages” => Like my account or the cart page https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/mon-compte/And it doesn’t work on
– Normal WordPress pages (like the website main page https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/Or this page https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/les-valeurs-du-forum/
Or even wordpress articles like this one https://www.leforumdulocal.fr/page_producteur/sources-de-soultzmatt/
The only settings that could make this issue is that we put those pages into “Force Public Cache URIs”
But we have the product category pages into it too. So the problem should be in those pages too ?
We hope it was clear, if not, don’t hesitate to write us back.
With kind regards,
Sébastien – Le Forum du Local
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