• Instagram no longer supports social media tools for Instagram Personal Profile accounts, just for Instagram Business accounts.

    If you already have a Business Account that is linked to a Facebook page, you can connect your Instagram Business Account with Blog2Social as usual. Go to “Networks -> Instagram -> + Business”.

    If you don’t have an Instagram Business Account yet, you can easily convert your Instagram Personal account into a Business account (see instructions below) and reconnect your Instagram Business account with Blog2Social. Even if you have a private blog or website, you can use the Instagram Business account to benefit from all new options for your Instagram marketing.

    Instagram Business accounts offer a lot more options than Personal Profiles. For example, placing ads or creating an online shop on Instagram.

    You can also simplify contact for your followers with a special contact button, add business and industry information, and many things more.

    Learn all about Instagram Account Types

    If you don’t have an Instagram Business Account yet, start converting your Personal Profile into a Business Account to benefit from all advantages.

    The following guides show you exactly:

    How to convert your Personal Instagram Profile into a Business Account

    How do I connect Blog2Social with my Instagram Business Account?

    How to connect your Instagram Business Account with your Facebook page

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Ou seja, vocês agora n?o est?o mais disponibilizando o compartilhamento de Instagram na vers?o gratuita do plugin! é uma pena que esse mundo de hoje em dia só vise lucros! Eu amava o plugin de vocês, mas é muito caro pagar tudo isso que est?o cobrando.

    Plugin Support Blog2Social-Support


    Olá @kimzaidem ,

    Obrigado pelo seu feedback.

    Lamentamos muito pela sua opini?o. No entanto, as interfaces API oficiais s?o fornecidas pelas redes, pelo que o Instagram (Facebook), por isso também definem como podem ser utilizadas. Como parceiro oficial, somos obrigados a seguir estas regras das redes e, neste caso, fornecemos agora também a interface actual apenas para as contas Instagram Business. Isto é também para a seguran?a da sua conta.

    Já informamos os nossos clientes em Abril deste ano sobre a nova interface para a conta Instagram Business. Fizemos o nosso melhor para informar os nossos clientes através de todos os canais disponíveis, dentro do plugin, bem como através de e-mail e na comunidade Blog2Social. Para a maioria dos nossos clientes, a transi??o funciona sem problemas. Lamentamos se pensa que converter o seu Perfil Pessoal Instagram numa Conta Comercial e ligá-lo à Blog2Social n?o é uma op??o para si.

    Por favor, informe-nos se tiver mais perguntas sobre Blog2Social.

    Hello @kimzaidem ,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    We are very sorry for your opinion. However, the official API interfaces are provided by the networks, so Instagram (Facebook), so they also define how they may be used. As an official partner, we are obliged to follow these rules of the networks and in this case now also provide the current interface for Instagram Business accounts only. This is also for the safety of your account.

    We already informed our clients in April this year about the new interface for the Instagram Business Account. We have done our best to inform our customers via all available channels, within the plugin as well as via e-mail and in the Blog2Social community. For most of our clients the transition works smoothly. We are sorry if you think, converting your Personal Instagram Profile into a Business Account and connecting it with Blog2Social is not an option for you.

    Please let us know if you have further questions about Blog2Social.

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