• I am aware of the P tag nuisance and try to do something about it, but overall the separate blocks in posts or pages just seem to take up too much vertical space. Is that also due to the P tag issue?

    I tried the Classic Editor a bit – TinyMCE -, must admit the Block editor is easier to work with. Now I have all the contents in blocks and would not like to revert.

    Why I was looking to the P issue in the first place is due to vertical space on the top right of the page, above the FB feed, that’s extremely annoying and don’t know how to be rid of otherwise. Using the Raw HTML plugin to see if it helps, but not right there and I also asked in their own support for assistance.

    Image of problem

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Tara King


    Hi @homdax!

    You should be able to adjust the amount of vertical space that blocks take up in your theme layer — you may want to give other themes a try to see if you like the way they do it, or edit your child theme until the blocks look the way you’d like.

    Thread Starter hw2junkyarddawg


    If you by edit mean in the code that is not something I am willing to do, then again I am not using a child theme so perhaps I should do that, then I could edit the divs and css with a little less worry. Still, I have tested a couple of other themes and the result is similar…

    Thread Starter hw2junkyarddawg


    Just tried with both themes ColorMag and Vantage and the space remains.

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