Hi @mishli,
Thanks for reaching out!
The account in question is the one that has a MailPoet license active on the site https://www.elishevanotes.com, correct?
If so, the MailPoet Sending Service has been paused for your account because we received too many spam complaints from your subscribers.
This does not mean you personally are sending spam or that your site has been breached. It means that some subscribers on your list manually flagged your email as spam on their mailbox.
We checked our logs and all of these complaints refer to your subscription confirmation emails. This could be happening if:
– You are sending subscription confirmation emails to subscribers who didn’t request a subscription for your site;
– Your opt-in checkbox is pre-checked or is a precondition of a service you offer;
– You’re not being clear about what the user is consenting to;
– There was a bot attack on your subscription form (or any other form integrated with MailPoet) using some real email addresses.
Complaints considerably hurt your reputation as a sender, but also affect MailPoet’s own reputation and can make a big impact on our global deliverability, affecting all users.
Please take a look at this article to learn more about our Anti-Spam policy. If you’re trying to send emails to people without their consent, please check this article to know why express consent is important.
In order to reactivate your account, please confirm that you’re not sending confirmation emails to subscribers who didn’t ask for it and protect your site by following these steps. Also, ensure you’re using Google reCAPTCHA in your forms, as it’s proved to be more effective against targeted bot attacks.
After doing it, please contact us so we can restore the sending service for you.
In the meantime, you can still use the plugin, however, you’ll need to change the sending method to “Other” instead of “MailPoet Sending Service” in the MailPoet > Settings > Send With… tab.