Hi @mythreeseasons –
I’d suggest checking if you have any security plugins activated that might be blocking our requests. If not, try contacting your hosting provider and asking them to check their security logs to see if they are blocking or otherwise limiting incoming and outgoing connections over XML-RPC. Jetpack uses this file to communicate with your site, but some hosts block connection requests to that file.
Our requests look like the following:
– File: https://www.mythreeseasons.com//xmlrpc.php
– User-agent header: Jetpack by WordPress.com
– IPs: https://jetpack.com/support/hosting-faq/#jetpack-whitelist
Please ask them to whitelist the IP addresses listed above. Note that these IP addresses could change (or more could be added) at any time, which could break your connection to Jetpack. For this reason, we actually discourage whitelisting specific IPs, although with some hosts it may be the only option.
Let us know how that goes.