Hi Tony,
When you use a migration tool, the tool copies the table content from one site to another. This will work for most tables. WP Data Access stores your database name (schema) in its repository tables. When you switch to another site, the database name is usually changed (unless you’re using a remote database).
When you clear all WP Data Access repository tables and use WP Data Access to copy your publications and projects from your old to your new site, the plugin will automatically change the database names. When you use a migration tool you’ll need to do this manually.
There are two ways to do this manually:
(1) Use the Data Explorer
(2) Use the Query Builder
(1) Start the Data Explorer and search for the repository tables (see list below). Explorer the table and update the schema names.
(2) If you are familiar with SQL, you can update all rows at once. For example:
update xx_wpda_project_page
set page_schema_name = ‘new schema name’
where page_schema_name = ‘old schema name’;
Repository tables:
xx_wpda_media (column media_schema_name)
xx_wpda_menu (column menu_schema_name)
xx_wpda_project_page (column page_schema_name)
xx_wpda_project_table (column wpda_schema_name)
xx_wpda_publisher (column pub_schema_name)
xx_wpda_table_design (column wpda_schema_name)
xx_wpda_table_settings (column wpda_schema_name)
NOTE xx_ is your WP prefix
But you can still let the plugin do it for you! You can create a backup of your repository on your old site and restore it on your new site. This is documented here:
– Open the plugin settings on your old server > tab Manage Repository
– Download your actual repository
– Open the plugin settings on your new server > tab Manage Repository
– Restore your repository
Please let me know if this helps,