• grinder


    I’m a recent convert to WordPress. I’ve been browsing numerous WordPress based sites and I love what I see. In particular, I love how some folks have blended the “Gallery” program right into their blog site. (such as https://photomatt.net/photos). I’m curious as to what I’d need to edit to be able to blend the gallery function right into my blog site.

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  • gietl


    I just did this the other night, it is really easy. I used this site as a referece:


    While this is not going to be what everyone would want, it gives you the idea.

    A couple hints, I had been using the “Page” feature in 1.5, so if you havent created a “Page” do that, then go to it, view the source and compare your source to what he is describing in his article.

    You will need to play with the CSS file. The directions in his article don’t show the proper width to change to and so forth.

    I am using the default theme at https://www.jaygietl.com and I have a link on the right sidebar for my photots. So you can see that I was successful in integrating the style to the Gallery.



    Hey gietl,

    I am kinda new to all of this. Can you be a little more specific about what else you changed that is not on scatteredthoughts how-to? I can’t figure out how to tweak it beyond his instructions. Thanks a lot.




    it’s me again. here is an example of what I am talking about.


    I don’t know how to adjust the css to make this work.




    You need to adjust the properties of this:

    .widecolumnga {
    padding: 10px 0 20px 0;
    margin: 5px 0 0 150px;
    width: 450px;

    You have it set the same as widecolumn.

    Here is mine:

    .widecolumnga {
    padding: 10px 0 20px 0;
    margin: 5px 0 0 20px;
    width: 720px;

    So when you view:

    You can see how it lines up.

    You can play with the values until you reach your desired “look.” I would recommend reading up a little on CSS to better understand all teh cool stuff you can do with it.



    Oh, I also recommend upgrading your Gallery isntallation to the newest secure version, I think pl6.



    Is there anyway to remove the lines for gallery?

    Well, I got this integration working nicely but when I try to integrate the supernav stuff I can’t get it to line up like on the blog. Does anyone know what I need to do for that to work. Thanks a lot.



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