When I visit the website, I see a a few lines of bright blue text on a bright green background.
Color contrast seems low unless the accessibility tools are manually used to change the color contrast. (example: greyscale, lightbackground)
Some of the text is cut off on top. Maybe a different theme could be helpful too.
What text is missing and should be displayed?
I can see the following text is present:
<p>“Life is not holding a good hand; Life is playing a poor hand well,” (Danish Proverb)<br />
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”<br />
― Helen Keller<br />
“There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark.”<br />
― Helen Keller<br />
Welcome to A Blue Green Galaxy. I’m Mellissa Green, and I help businesses get the knowledge they need to create and design digitally accessible content so all may benefit. They are attracted to my brand because unlike anyone else I have the unique life experiences of someone with a disability.<br />
Mission Statement:<br />
My mission is to change the concept of what it means to have a disability by replacing the term disabled with uniquely abled.</p>