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  • The columns can probably be created with the
    WP Post Columns plugin.

    To assign a category to the page which has the columns, use the Page Links To plugin.

    Thread Starter kwibbles


    The WP Post Columns plugin doesn’t work.

    Also the Page Links To plugin is nice, but I don’t want to redirect it outside the wordpress frame work.

    OK. I think you will need to either find a theme that has a grid style template that you can adapt, or code one from scratch. I have installed the Zack-990 theme you are using, and will take a look to see how difficult it will be to modify it.

    As for the Page Links To plugin, it is ideal for having a page show a category. It will also link to almost anything else, but will certainly link a category to a page.

    Here is a code snippet derived from index.php that should give you a start with the 4 column page. Make a copy of your index.php to fourcolumn.php. Add in the lines at the top to identify it as a template. Replace the lines between <div id="home_content"> and <div class="archive_nav"> with these:

    <div id="home_content">
          <?php $paged = (intval(get_query_var('paged'))) ? intval(get_query_var('paged')) : 1;
          if (have_posts()) : ?>
             <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post();
                if( ++$count > 4) $count = 1;
                if ($count == 1) echo '<div class="row">'; ?>
                   <div class="col-post">
                      <p><b><?php the_title(); ?></b></p>
                      <?php the_excerpt('More Photos'); ?>
                <?php if ($count == 4) echo '</div><!-- End row --><div class="clear"></div>'; ?>
            <?php endwhile; ?>
            <?php if ($count < 4) echo '</div><!-- End row --><div class="clear"></div>'; ?>
             <div class="archive_nav">

    Use your own category number in the query.

    Create a new page and assign this as the template. You will also need to add styles for col-post and row to style.css. The samples below should be a starting point:

    .row {
       width: 100%;
       margin: 2px;
    .col-post {
       width: 22%;
       float: left;
       margin: 2px;
       border: 1px solid green;
       padding: 0 .7em 0 .7em;
       min-height: 150px;
       text-wrap: unrestricted;
       overflow: hidden;

    Thanks for this code snippet. I created another post looking for just what you posted here. Here’s a link to a working result.

    Thread Starter kwibbles


    @vtxyzzy You are awesome thanks for the start. Now how do I assign this code to just the All Spaces page?

    @amcreative Is there any special way you did the thumbnails for that page?

    1. Make a copy of your index.php to fourcolumn.php.
    2. Add in the lines at the top to identify it as a template.
      Template Name: fourcolumn
    3. Replace the lines between <div id=”home_content”> and <div class=”archive_nav”> with the ones above.
    4. In your All Spaces page, assign ‘fourcolumn’ as the template for the page.
    5. Add the .row and .col-post definitions to your style.css

    @kwibbles If you look down in the right hand corner of wordpress on a post you will see a heading “Post Thumbnail”. Right under there, you will see a link for “Set Thumbnail”. When that window opens up, upload your graphic and assign it as a thumbnail for your post.

    In your template where you want the thumbnail to appear, place the following code.
    <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>

    And that will give you a post thumbnail.

    Thread Starter kwibbles


    As I posted the message I figured it out, thanks a lot vtxyzzy you’ve been a great help!

    You are welcome!

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