• I’m having trouble getting WP Super Cache working, and I know my setup is atypical.

    The symptoms are numerous and inconsistant, so I’ll try to keep my questions generic.

    I’m running 3.0b2 and the development version of WPSC as recommended by Donncha.

    I am using not only multisite, but also Andrea’s “multisite” plugin (which has become a bit of a misnomer, as in 3.0 its capability is better described as “multinetwork”). In other words, I have multiple networks of subdirectory blogs on different subdomains (examlple.com/blogs as well as more.example.com/blogs) based on one WP install.

    I’m hosting it on a Debian Lenny server.

    I thought for sure that the default .htaccess file would not be sufficient to cover all the possible URL permutations of my install, but it does seem to work at least partially—properly separating the different subdomains into different cache folders and caching the home page for each.

    However I have errors like crazy on the settings page and it seems only one page of each site—the home page—is being cached for each site.

    Some problems I’ve seen:

    • Errors about .htaccess file being wrong, though it is not (also this error seems to come and go, oddly)
    • Test function reporting timestamps don’t match or aren’t present
    • Preloading not working at all
    • Only home pages being cached, and intermittently at that

    Is this just the result of using a work-in-progress plugin on a work-in-progress install? Is it my unusual setup? Is there anything I can do to work these issues out? I’d be very grateful to anyone who can help me answer these questions.

    (Note: I am also running WPSC dev version on a standard 3.0b2 install with no problems!)


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  • but also Andrea’s “multisite” plugin (which has become a bit of a misnomer, as in 3.0 its capability is better described as “multinetwork”).

    It’s in the process of being renamed for 3.0. ??

    I’ve hollered at a couple of people to come look at this thread.

    Did you start out with a WP install or a MU install?

    “Errors about .htaccess file being wrong, though it is not (also this error seems to come and go, oddly)”

    That may actually be an issue with 3.0. There are a couple tickets there related to apache not returning correct info on whether mod_rewrite was installed/enabled.

    If that’s the problem you are having, it’s quite possible that’s why SC isn’t working correctly. Request comes in with pretty permalinks, SC tests for mod_rewrite & gets a false, then doesn’t know what it should do with the request (in terms of caching it).

    I have seen the false alarm errors for .htaccess on the v3.0 nightly builds too. Usually it is after changing one of the settings at the top to the wpsc settings page. The error comes after the mobile device support section at the top and says …

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/xxx/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php  on line 413
    Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter in /home/xxx/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 413
        Rewrite rules must be updated
        The rewrite rules required by this plugin have changed or are missing. Mobile support requires extra rules in your .htaccess file, or you can set the plugin to half-on mode. Here are your options (in order of difficulty):
           1. Set the plugin to half on mode and enable mobile support.
           2. Scroll down this page and click the Update Mod_Rewrite Rules button.
           3. Delete the plugin mod_rewrite rules in /home/xxx/.htaccess enclosed by # BEGIN WPSuperCache and # END WPSuperCache and let the plugin regenerate them by reloading this page.
           4. Add the rules yourself. Edit /home/xxx/www/.htaccess and find the block of code enclosed by the lines # BEGIN WPSuperCache and # END WPSuperCache. There are two sections that look very similar. Just below the line %{HTTP:Cookie} !^.*(comment_author_|wordpress|wp-postpass_).*$ add these lines: (do it twice, once for each section)
              RewriteCond %{HTTP_user_agent} !^.*(
              Warning:  implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/xxx/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 424

    and inside a small frame with scrollbars …

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_user_agent} !^(
              Warning:  implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/xxx/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 425

    reloading the settings page makes it go away.

    Thread Starter johnrork


    This was a 3.0 install from the beginning.

    So something that I’ve just discovered: When WPSC is enabled, non-logged in users are only getting the Internal Server Error page.

    Also, trying to do a cache test results in “Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 474”

    Thread Starter johnrork


    Hi, it’s me again.

    Well I’ve since launched my site and WP Super cache has been doing a decent job, even in half-on mode.

    However, I’m still wondering about how it is handling my multi-network multisite install. It seems to be affecting all my sites on all networks, as they all have the comments appended to the footer, but I’ll frequently hear about updates that are still not being displayed more than 24 hours later (my expiry time is set to 300 seconds).

    I can see new cached files being added to the cache directory, but for some reason they are ignored until I manually delete the old ones.

    I’m thinking a couple of things could be at play here. First of all my install is made up of 30 networks with over 250 sites. Each network has its own plugin settings. Currently, I have it network activated only on the root blog on the root network, but now I’m wondering if maybe I should have it network activated on every network, or—Matt forbid—every site?

    Also, I’m forcing SSL admin sessions, and it seems that Super Cache is caching the site on through both the secure and unsecure channels. Should I force the public site onto standard http with additional .htaccess rules, and will that work on WPSC?

    Ultimately, I feel like I don’t really fully understand how WPSC functions well enough to work these things out in my head, and I’d like to tell people more definitively when their content will be viewable. Resources seem to be slim about configuring the plugin for 3.0, and absent completely for my unique circumstances. Can anyone shed some light on what could be going on?

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