• hello everybody, I am having a really bad experience using W3 Total Cache

    this is how the debug looks

    <!– W3 Total Cache: Db cache debug info:
    Engine: apc
    Total queries: 32
    Cached queries: 0
    Total query time: 0.719

    <!– W3 Total Cache: Page cache debug info:
    Engine: apc
    Key: w3tc_b6fba4fd886a07e906e25382912d1e7e_page_6666cd76f96956469e7be39d750cc7d9
    Caching: disabled
    Reject reason: cookie is rejected
    Status: not cached
    Creation Time: 76.340s
    Header info:
    X-Powered-By: W3 Total Cache/
    X-Pingback: https://www.zycu.com/xmlrpc.php
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    query time goes even lower, but the “creation time” is always above 30 seconds
    I don’t know why it says “disabled” in caching… and cookie rejected, what does that mean??
    read somewhere to clean my cookies, already done that and still nothing improved…

    please help me!

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  • W3 Total Cache is eating my .htaccess on everyone of my sites.
    What got me totally wound up is I had just finished reconfiguring all my 301 redirects. Of course I don’t have a copy it’s in the .htaccess no one can mess with it there. It would be cool if W3 could just update it’s own stuff and leave everything else the way it is.

    Anyway there seems to be a lag in loading that wasn’t there before need to check everything else turning off all plugins and starting there.

    Thanks in advance

    Reject reason: cookie is rejected

    This means that you have recently submitted a comment and a cookie was set for the same reason to make sure you received a fresh version of the page (default WP behavior) and the cookie has not yet expired. So, clear your cookies to receive cached pages.

    Cached queries: 0

    You have not pasted the entire database debug, so I can’t give an explanation about this. There are lots of cases where plugins/themes that do not use native WP methods/functions do not lend themselves to caching. Also your APC settings are unknown, so it’s possible you have a configuration that is not constructive for your theme/plugin combination, which could be contributory.

    Submitting a bug submission report from the support tab of the plugin is a good start unless you want to paste your entire DB cache debug or even disable it and try 1 type of caching at a time to understand what’s best for you.

    It would be cool if W3 could just update it’s own stuff and leave everything else the way it is.

    In the next release it does a better job of avoiding situations you describe.

    I have this problem too, caching with apc for both minify and database is very fast, but page cache is very slow.

    I cannot guess what the cause is without looking at your site. Can you submit a bug submission form from the support tab of the plugin?

    Are you regularly restarting apache and mysql as you should be?

    I never restart apache or mysql (unless there’s a configuration change). I don’t think that’s the issue.

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