• Hi there, I just started testing your player and like it a lot but I have one nagging issue which I hope that you can help with.
    It involves posting to facebook (using simple facebook connect) and the problem is that FV Flowplayer’s short code is passed along to the displayed content at FB.
    Ive made a post regarding this with the SFC plugin
    and they suggest that the shortcode needs to be identified in the admin of the FP plugin in order for the SFC Publish to discern what is code and what is normal text.

    Is there anything you guys at FV Flowplayer can do to help with issue?

    Other than this, the plugin works great so far..and its only fair to point out that this issue doesnt affect the functionality of the player at all, Im very happy with that part! Thanks for the plugin and your time.


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  • Thread Starter htc2010


    Hate to bttt, but you know what they say about “the squeaky wheel gets the oil” ??

    Thread Starter htc2010


    OK..come on people…if I wanted to be ignored…I would not have posted in the first place. I know this is a free plugin but I dont think its asking too much for a support reply in a week.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    They may not read these forums. Not all plugin authors do.

    Good luck with support. Have asked at their site for support and have not had a reply in many weeks, so one week is nothing:)

    Thread Starter htc2010


    Thanks Otto42..guess I just assumed that anyone with a major plugin would have their plugin tags on some kinda feed or something?
    Texasbiz…I cant say yet how well it will ultimately turn out, but I made a contact form submission at their foliovision.com site and got a very prompt reply there. Hopefully the solution will be forthcoming with similar speed.

    – Here is the link to their response –

    And its content, just for the record.

    We will definitely register our shortcodes if there is an accepted practice for that (looking into that now). We certainly do not want our code to be compared to NextGenGallery ever again.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    If they need any help, they can email me. I read everything I get, and try to respond to most (although it is getting harder lately).

    [email protected]

    Hi Everyone,

    We did implement the short code API after the issue was flagged on the FV Flowplayer page over at Foliovision.com.

    Otto gave us a hand. Thanks Otto.

    We don’t monitor these forums closely. Better to submit your issues on the home page of the plugin at Foliovision.com.

    Thanks, Alec

    Thread Starter htc2010


    Its good to see that you did finally get that short code thing implemented. To be honest I had given up on the whole thing because of tedious little problems like this between plugins..updates..just too many conflicts eating up my time.
    But recently I decided to give it all another shot, particularly due to this update. I updated core WP to 3.0.1, SFC to 0.21, and FV flowplayer to latest (via auto update, sorry didnt look at the version)..everything looked fine..until I added a test video. IT even worked great when I previewed the page, but as soon as I saved the changes, and went back to test the FB publish function..whammo…FATAL ERROR…and again directly connected with SFC and FV flowplayer, something about flowplayer frontend…sorry for the vague error report, but I am TOTALLY DONE with this plugin. I wish you luck in the future, but if I ever expect to get my site opened..I gotta get something thats not so plagued with problems.
    Sorry…and thanks. I do wish you luck with it.

    Hi HTC2010,

    Support for our plugins is on our own site. In this case: https://foliovision.com/seo-tools/wordpress/plugins/fv-flowplayer

    Thanks for trying Foliovision’s FV plugins!

    Thousands of people use them successfully. I’m sorry you’re not one.

    Making the web work for you, Alec Kinnear

    Thread Starter htc2010


    Hi Alec. Sorry Im not one to get success from the FV plugin either..but..much like the link you posted above to your offsite support..(404 error for https://foliovision.com/seo-tools/wordpress/plugins/fv-flowplayer )…there were just too many problems involved with using FV player. I was very patient because I liked the plugin and features, but ultimately, the facts are that too much time passed..with not enough results and errors still encountered. I hope you have gotten everything fixed now, but I have moved on to another player that does not give me problems.
    Also, while I understand about keeping the support on your own site primary…as I remember from my visits during the time of my issues..it was not as easy to find specific error info on your site as it is here on the WP forum, so that may be something you want to consider, and allocate a little time here too.

    Hi HTC2010,

    We are always improving our documentation, thanks for the suggestion.

    There are no video players without issues. You found one which didn’t have issues which bothered you at the time.

    FV Flowplayer is the most capable and simplest players for playing video from your own server. There are likely better plugins for CDN use, but is not our target. Our target is a straightforward and easy to use player for people with a solid server of their own who want minimal branding and no links away from their own site. For people who can deal with links away external hosting with YouTube and Vimeo remain the simplest solutions.

    Making the web work for you, Alec

    Thread Starter htc2010


    There are no video players without issues. You found one which didn’t have issues which bothered you at the time.

    uuumm..excuse me, but obviously..the FV player DID HAVE ISSUES (with shortcode) or I would never have made this post or the ones on your support thread. Of course it bothered me..this issue severely delayed opening of the site it was to be used on.
    Does it work now?
    I cant say..because I have found another solution..and have no need.
    I hope it does…but I know it didnt 4 months ago.

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