• Resolved Jack Reichert


    I’m playing with RC1 (the latest bleeding nightly) and every time I update a page (not posts, just pages) I have to go to the default permalink structure and then go back to the one i’m using (Day and name) or I get a 404 page not found for all my pages.

    Has anyone else been experiencing this?

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  • Thread Starter Jack Reichert


    I’m pretty sure that it has to do with custom post types. I’ve set up a custom type ‘Newsletters’

    register_post_type('newsletters', array( 'label' => 'Newsletters','public' => true,'show_ui' => true,'capability_type' => 'post','hierarchical' => false,'can_export' => true,'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'newsletter'),'query_var' => true,'supports' => array('title','editor','excerpt','trackbacks','custom-fields','comments','revisions','thumbnail','author','page-attributes',)) );

    The permalinks to these posts don’t work at all.

    Thread Starter Jack Reichert


    I had a page the same name. I think that there’s a conflict with the slug, only after I changed them it still is coming up with 404…

    Thread Starter Jack Reichert


    The problem seems to be with the permalink structure. I was using “Day and Name”


    it doesn’t look like custom post types are working withh pretty permalinks…

    did you figure anything out on this? I have the same issue….

    I am having the same issue. With pretty permalinks, I cannot get to any custom posts. When I turn off pretty permalinks, the custom post is there with the non-pretty url. Any resolution?


    same issue here

    Same thing here. Deactivated all plugins, smae issue. Clean install, same problem.

    I have the same issue, even with normal posts.

    Just go to the permalinks page in settings… No need to update, but going to the clears permalinks cache

    i am also having a similar problem , as soon as i try to choose
    the Day and name option in permalinks, my site logs mi out and i get
    this error on all pages until i delete my .htaccess file and change it back to default

    Error :

    Server error!

    The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in a CGI script.

    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
    Error 500

    I am using wp3.0.1 , so i dont know if its a bug or i am doing it wrong ? Please help

    Same for me. I had to revert the permalinks to the default ugly format (?p=xxx), otherwise even the pages are not listed properly in the “page” widget. Instead, the root address is returned.

    I spent alreaady some time digging into the code ; this is really annoying.

    I put ” /index.php/ ” in front and it seems to be kinda working. Here’s what mine looks like /index.php/%category%/%postname%/.

    oops, looks like index.php is showing up in the url now

    I have the same problem and cn only use the default url structure. Has anyone found a solution? I get 404 error message on all other url options.

    I’m having the same problem too …

    Running Windows XP SP III ~ Apache 2.2 ~MySQL 5.1 ~ PHP 5.3.3

    I can reach all my posts-pages when using the default permalink setting. However, none of the other settings work. Any setting other than default displays a 404 page and my Apache log states


    [error] [client] File does not exist:C:/vir_dir/dev/(foo)


    I’ve noted that Apache is stating that a ‘file’ doesn’t exist … maybe a problem with handling ‘/index.php’ in subdirectories. I dunno ;-/

    I’m just running the site locally under a hosts file mapped name (dev.XXX.com) and my site’s named ‘dev’ … under a virtual directory (c:\vir_dir\) so appropriately in my httpd-vhosts.conf file I have a directive for the virtual directory as well …

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot “C:/vir_dir/”

    No problem there — the site installed and runs fine … all but the permalinks … I’m not .htaccess wiz … but I’ve done an install like this many times without any hitches … anyone found a solution to this? Please help … it’s really annoying having to use the default permalink settings …

    Dohh !!!!

    Problem solved …

    I forgot to uncomment #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
    in my httpd.conf file … Argh

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