• Hi 2022 theme developers,

    Thank you so much for this theme.

    Working with WordPress core posts and pages as well as Sensei lessons in learner mode, I don’t find an option in the Site Editor global styles to edit the page title and headings.

    So, for posts and pages, the headings are preset to Source Serif Pro in very large font size, while in Sensei learner mode the headings are preset to Inter Sans Serif in smaller font size.

    How can I change these to be all Source Serif Pro, and maybe a little smaller?

    Thank you very much.


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  • You can certainly change the font sizes.
    Open the List View in the Editor and click on the Post Title (in the List). Then in Settings (right sidebar) look at Typography. There are numerical settings for the font size or you can click the little icon which looks like sliders, to enter a more precise figure.
    Beware, it skips around from px to rem etc. without warning, so if the font goes really tiny or big, you need to click the little box to set whatever you need.
    If you want to change the actual font, I think you should be able to do it in the Customizer via CSS.

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