• Resolved simpacker


    Hi everyone,

    with the Plugin “User Role Editor” I try to rename the name of a user role from ALPHA to BETA. ALPHA has been created by Ultimate Members.
    In the frontend it looks like a successful change from ALPHA to BETA, but after the next mouse click the name will be resetted to ALPHA again.

    In the moment when I deactivate Ultimate Member, I can see BETA without any changes. But when I active Ultimate Member again, I get the old ALPHA.

    Version information:
    WordPress: 5.9
    Ultimate Member: 2.3.1
    User Role Editor: 4.61.1

    Any ideas, what happens and what to to?

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  • missveronica


    Thread Starter simpacker


    Hi MissVeronica!

    Thank you very much for you great response and effort!!

    Unfortunately I’m not firm enough to understand the php code, and so I’m not able to parametrize the variables of the code. I would really be happy if you could fill out your code with the above described example with ALPHA and BETA… :-/

    The role ID could be “um_TESTVAR”.

    Thx! Thomas




    You don’t need to understand any PHP code.

    Install the code snippet and use the “User Role Editor” plugin to change the Role Display Name.

    The code snippet will detect the UM User Role Display Name change and update UM with the new Name.

    Thread Starter simpacker



    Okay, I did it as described. I’ve implemented the snippet via the Snippets Plugin, and activated it.

    But there are unfortunately no changes on the behaviour of the User Role Editor. :-/




    What is the current name of the role in:

    UM display name?
    WP display name?

    Thread Starter simpacker


    WP display name = UM display name = “Mitglied Consilium”

    Is perhaps the blank/space responsible for the misbehaviour?




    I tested with “Mitglied Consilium” and it works OK.

    How did you install the code snippet?

    Thread Starter simpacker


    Via the plugin “code snippet”.

    Execute snippet anywhere. Priority = 10




    Is the “Mitglied Consilium” role an UM role with the prefix um_ ?

    Thread Starter simpacker


    Yes: um_mitglied-consilium

    Thread Starter simpacker


    It seems that the desired display name “Consilium” is already stored anywhere in the database. As mentioned above, “Consilium” is displayed in the User Role Editor, while I deactive Ultimate Member.




    What is the ID name of “Consilium”

    Thread Starter simpacker






    When you have UM inactive, try to change the Role Display Name to “Mitglied Consilium”.

    Activate UM and try to rename from “Mitglied Consilium” to the new Display name.

    Thread Starter simpacker



    Good idea, but unfortunately not successful. :-/

    Is there any option to change the display name via the php admin frontend?

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