• How do i exceed the 256m limit .. phpini is 512 and ive tried 512 in wp-config, but in WordPress Memory Limit: it still states 256m … is there some kind a default 256m limit in wp?

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  • If you are using the Memory Bump plugin it does set @ini_set( 'memory_limit', '256M' ); so if you use that plugin, deactivate it.

    You might also check with your host to see what limit they impose.

    Methods for increasing the amount of memory a PHP script may consume

    1. Use the memory bump plugin from https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/memory-bump/

    2. If you have access to your PHP.ini file, change the line in PHP.ini
    If your line shows 32M try 64M:
    memory_limit = 64M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (64MB)

    3. If you don’t have access to PHP.ini try adding this to an .htaccess file:
    php_value memory_limit 64M

    4. Try adding this line to your wp-config.php file:
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

    5. Talk to your host.

    Thread Starter cavamondo


    I have access to php.ini and it states:
    Memory_limit = 512M

    My WpConfig.php is set to:
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M');

    Im using 2 plugins to monitor ressources.

    TCP System Overview plugin states:
    WordPress Memory Limit: 512M

    WP Overview (lite) MU plugin states:
    # Mem: WP 512M Usage 7% 18.32M Limit 256M

    So, can i rely on the WP Overview (lite) MU plugin, when it states i have 512m WP memory, but i have a limit on 256m?
    … or am i reading it wrong?
    # Mem: WP 512M Usage 7% 18.32M Limit 256M

    I’ve tagged this thread with wp-overview-lite so that plugin author might be able to see and respond to your question.

    [SOLVED] WP3 exceed 256 memory limit

    WordPress 3.0 Multi-site: 256 MB Memory Requirements?

    WordPress Multi-site unofficially needs 256 Megabyte of Memory, but only for admin backend panel, not for the user frontend!

    This is a very high value, and is not announced in the minimum WordPress requirements since the 2.7 version. See also: Technical WordPress Installation Checklist

    Because raising the memory limit over your servers allowance can crash your blog on some servers, or shared hosting, (Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size Exhausted) it’s adviseable, previous to upgrade, increase your WordPress Memory Limit with third part plugins like Memory Bump, and check how much PHP or WP Memory your server allows with WP Overview or similar.

    If it’s below 256 Megabytes this could render your blog useless after upgrade, and it means you need to increase your WordPress Memory Limit. Related Ticket: Ticket #13847

    For this bug #13847 WP Overview (lite) and WP Overview (lite) MU need another upgrade to work fine on WP 3.0 environment.

    The fix is already online on my reposytory lite and mu and it official released after WP 3.0.1 launch.

    I tested my plugin, on various schemario, and 48MB is a good chance for somes WP and MU~LTI-SITE installations to work fine.

    I’m wondering only why, if this is true, this requirement isn’t being widely publicised?

    What are the actual, official memory requirements for single-site WP installs? I run a shared hosting setup, and I can’t really let all my users have 256MB for their WP installs.

    it really depends on how many plugins they use and how intensive a theme is being used
    normally 32-64M works easily enough

    Thanks Samuel. I think that seems manageable.

    The other way I was thinking of going is to set up a Multi-site install and just host people that way. But that’s probably another discussion thread. ??

    ancawonka wrote:
    What are the actual, official memory requirements for single-site WP installs?

    • Official memory requirements for single-site WP is 32M (my best is 48M)
      Official memory requirements for multi-site WP is 64M (unofficial 256M)
    • ancawonka wrote:
      The other way I was thinking of going is to set up a Multi-site install and just host people that way.

      Please refer to Just Host FAQ.

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