• Hi,

    Thanks for your great plugin.

    I had a customer make a purchase and received this error:

    Unable to watermark this file for download. Please notify site administrator
    No file defined

    I checked the product and it had a valid PDF linked.

    Wordpress 5.9.2
    Woocommerce Version 6.3.1
    WaterMark PDF for WooCommerce Version 3.0

    Is there anything you recommend to help me troubleshoot? Thanks in advance

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  • Plugin Author Little Package


    Sure, easy: Try to download this PDF file via any WC file download link with the plugin deactivated. Does it work?

    Thread Starter diddle


    Yes, I deactivated plugin, purchased and downloaded ok.

    Plugin Author Little Package


    OK, in this case I’d then try also with a different PDF.

    And I’d also ask you: where are you storing the uploaded PDF? The free version of the plugin works with files uploaded to the WooCommerce uploads in wp-content.

    Thread Starter diddle


    Yes the file is stored in the woocommerce uploads directory.

    There are other PDF’s which are working ok. Should I try deleting and re-uploading perhaps?

    Plugin Author Little Package


    Hi @diddle This issue is covered in the FAQ.

    Plugin Author Little Package


    @diddle Sorry busy morning. Hopefully you already found the answer but if not:

    The parser in WaterWoo cannot read a poorly-formed PDF and watermarking will fail. MANY MANY PDF builders spit out poorly-formed PDFs with iffy syntax. No parsing library can account for all the possible variations in what builders will call “PDF.”

    Your option is — if you’re serious about this PDF — to use a marker like WooStamper instead. You can also try to re-save the PDF (“export as PDF”) using the Apple Preview application; sometimes this works.

    Thread Starter diddle


    The PDF is quite large too (> 20MB) – could that be a contributing factor?

    Plugin Author Little Package


    @diddle Depends what your server is capable of handling for memory loads but… absolutely yes.

    I have the same problem. I used Apple Preview, export etc. – it works! But this way (with Apple Preview) deletes the bookmarks on PDF.

    Plugin Author Little Package


    @matimaz You do not have the same problem. The original poster is not getting watermarking and you are. Please read the WaterWoo documentation, where this “issue” regarding advanced PDF features such as bookmarks (internal links) is discussed as a limitation of most all watermarkers for WordPress [except “PDF Stamper for WooCommerce” FKA WooStamper]. After that, if you have a different problem, please open your own support ticket.

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