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  • Is there any chance of getting a plugin update soon or should we get rid of it as soon as possible?!

    I’ve also been getting a PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Elementor\Scheme_Typography' not found in /wp-content/plugins/extended-google-map-for-elementor/widgets/eb-google-map-extended-widget.php:480 fatal server error encountered via admin-ajax.php when loading the editor (causing the editor to not load completely.)

    Okay, it seems like the patch might be rather simple here (at least when it comes to making it so the editor as a whole can load properly again.)

    It appears that replacing the 3 instances of Elementor\Scheme_Typography to instead use \Elementor\Core\Schemes\Typography in widgets/eb-google-map-extended-widget.php appears to fix the issue I was encountering (at least the editor doesn’t fail to load anymore.)

    This is an update in accordance to and the PHP Class Aliases section where it details Elementor\Scheme_Typography is being replaced by Elementor\Core\Schemes\Typography (among other similar scheme related classes). Apparently, this was soft deprecated in Elementor 2.8.0 (released 2019-12-09) and hard deprecated in Elementor 3.2.0 (released 2021-04-19). So this plugin has had multiple years to know about & update things to prevent this issue.

    As such, I’m hoping this plugin dev is still around and releases their first update since late 2019 just to keep the plugin functional at the very least, or it might be time to look for an alternative to this plugin so you can keep your site’s editor (a key component, after all) up-to-date & not locked into 2019 due to this one element.

    *Edit* It appears there may be some additional code needing to be updated to get things fully functional for this plugin. I just wanted it so the page editor wasn’t completely broken as the first step (which is then addressed by what’s above.)

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by KZeni.

    Hello as @kzeni says, a quick fix would be to replace on /widgets/eb-google-map-extended-widget.php the line 6 use Elementor\Scheme_Typography; to use Elementor\Group_Control_Typography;

    Then on line 480 and 512 replace Scheme_Typography to Typography.

    Finally on line 83 replace protected function _register_controls() to protected function register_controls().

    This is working for me without warnings. Remember this is a quick fix, hope devs will fix it and release a new update soon.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Daniel P..

    Just found this as the elementor widget panel wasn’t loading. Even with this plugin disabled and in safe mode it still wouldn’t load.

    You need to do a mix of the above two solutions to get it to work:

    Lines 6 and 7 should read:

    use Elementor\Core\Schemes\Typography;
    use Elementor\Group_Control_Typography;

    Then do these edits:

    Then on line 480 and 512 replace Scheme_Typography to Typography.

    Finally on line 83 replace protected function _register_controls() to protected function register_controls().

    Thanks for getting it working again!

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