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  • Plugin Author Bas Schuiling



    I checked the problem.

    We have a script active called ‘social-front.js’. This opens the popup and tells the browser not to navigate to the page.

    There is another event on the button coming from the domain ‘’ . It seems their script sends the browser to the page. From what I could test from the browser, the page is navigated to after our script opened the popup.

    You can try and test with that script active ( probably a plugin? ) and see if that works. If so, ask them how to for instance exclude maxbuttons / share buttons from the script.

    Thread Starter Jay Collier


    Hi, Bas!

    The FundraiseUp (FRU) development lead took a look and wrote this: “I think that I have found the specific issue causing this. There is a property in your button that currently states rel=”noopener nofollow”. If you remove the “nofollow” so that it’s rel=”noopener” only, this should fix your issue.”

    Then he looked more closely and had a follow-up: “I am not sure where Bas got the information about FRU impacting the button, I do not see that happening from my end. I checked the network calls that are made once the button is clicked, but was not able to pinpoint anything FRU. Nothing FRU should be impacting this action. When I adjusted the rel property, this seemed to have fixed the issue.”

    This was the line he was referencing:

    <span class='mb-item item-0'> <a href='' rel="noopener nofollow">

    Is that helpful? I admit, this is beyond my expertise.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Jay Collier.

    Hi Team,

    Bas JP here from Fundraise Up. I am having a hard time locating the second script mentioned above from my end. Can you please point me to the location where you found that secondary event?


    Plugin Author Bas Schuiling



    Welcome! We are talking about events on the mb-social class. Previously there were 2 events to the fundup site. Now I don’t see them anymore.

    Since all is is combined and minified it’s hard to say what the scripts exactly are doing.

    I tested by using the browser debugger ( Firefox in my case). When I put a breakpoint to the end of the social buttons script, I can confirm it opens the popup, but doesn’t navigate to the link.

    My advice was to test and try without extra plugins that may change this behavior to see what is the cause of the issue. Maybe also turn off the minifiers and caching so we can have a better view of the issue.

    Thread Starter Jay Collier


    Hi, Bas.

    I will clone the site and find out if there are conflicts with any other plugins. If not, I’ll deactivate minification so you can take a closer look.

    Stay tuned.


    Thread Starter Jay Collier


    Hi, Bas!

    I cloned the site and deactivated all plugins except WordPress Share Buttons and MaxButtons Pro and the incorrect behavior continued.

    I also turned off the following Siteground Optimizer functions …

      Combine JS files
      Defer Render-blocking JS
      Minify JS files
      Combine CSS files
      Minify CSS files

    … and the share content still opened in the overlay as well as incorrectly in the main window.

    I have left those functions off so you can test. I will leave the clone available to you at and password: 2022share


    Thread Starter Jay Collier


    Hi, Bas.

    Did you find the conflict? Was the suggestion to change this button property useful?

    rel="noopener nofollow"


    Plugin Author Bas Schuiling



    Sadly I still can’t really tell what is causing this problem without everything minified. I can still track the popup working fine and not navigating to the page in our scripts, so something else is doing that.

    Next week I can look into how to remove the nofollow from the links if that’s going to be a solution.

    Thread Starter Jay Collier


    Hi, Bas!

    We couldn’t wait any longer, so we migrated to

    Take care,


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