• Hello all, I hope someone can help me with this issue as I have been working on it for 3 days and read half of google and this forum without any luck so far.

    What I am trying to do is move my WordPress 2.9.2 installation from https://morph-mattresses.ithinqmedia.com/ to https://www.morph-mattresses.com/

    I have read https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Moving_WordPress along with many other guides & forum posts but am still having issues.

    Here’s what I have done so far:

    First of all I changed the permalink structure on my original site (https://morph-mattresses.ithinqmedia.com/) back to default as it was previously set to a custom ‘/%postname%/’ to give me nice URLs. I had already had previous problems moving a WP install and getting ‘page not found’ errors. I then backed up my database using phpAdmin and FTP’d all the files down to my pc.

    I then edited my database using notepad++ and did a search-and-replace’ on ‘morph-mattresses.ithinqmedia.com’ and replaced it with ‘www.morph-mattresses.com’ – this, I presume means I didn’t have to change the ‘Site-URL’ and ‘Home’ in WP settings as it would change the URLs in the database anyway.

    Over on my new server, I set up a new database (which was named web39-morph-wpd instead of the original web130-morph-wpd due to being on a new server) and restored the backed up & edited SQL file to it. No problems yet.

    I then uploaded all my files via FTP up to the new site, edited the wpconfig.php file and updated the database details, crossed my fingers and went to the new site.

    First thing that happened was a PHP error relating to plugin called ‘Post to Page Associator’. This was annoying as I was using it to display posts from my ‘Sales’ tag on the ‘Sales’ Page. I thought I’d disable the plugin on the original site and try again so I deleted everything from the new site’s FTP & deleted the database from the new server, disabled the plugin on the original site and did everything again.

    Now my new site comes up but the sidebar is missing and most of the plugins are broken, for example I am using the SlideDeck plugin to create information slides for each product, which is still working fine on the original site but produces pages of Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /home/sites/morph-mattresses.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/slidedeck-lite-for-wordpress/slidedeck.php on line 992 on the new site.

    I don’t know if this is a problem with the PHP files, database or what, but I certainly don’t want to build the whole thing again and copy & paste the contents of each post back in as that would take days.

    Anyone help anyone could offer me here would be very greatly appreciated as I am rapidly running out of hair.

    Thank you! ??


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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Looking up that error, you’re right, it may be a PHP error.

    On your new server, what version of PHP are you running?

    Thread Starter benge


    Hi, thank you for replying!

    That is a very good point, I have both pages hosted with Heart Internet whom I have a reseller’s account with. I would have presumed that the PHP version would be the same but it appears that the original https://morph-mattresses.ithinqmedia.com/ site is hosted on their server called ‘web130’ with the following details in phpMyAdmin:

        * Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
        * Server version: 5.1.44-community
        * Protocol version: 10
        * User: web130-morph-wpd@localhost
        * MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
    Web server
        * Apache/2
        * MySQL client version: 5.1.44
        * PHP extension: mysqli
        * Version information: 3.2.5

    and the new hosting package for https://www.morph-mattresses.com/ is on their server named ‘web39’ with the following details on phpMyAdmin:

        * Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
        * Server version: 5.0.89-community
        * Protocol version: 10
        * User: web39-morph-wpd@localhost
        * MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
    Web server
        * Apache/2
        * MySQL client version: 5.0.89
        * PHP extension: mysql
        * Version information: 3.2.5

    Would that version difference between 5.1.44 to 5.0.89 be causing the problems? I’m afraid I’m still a little hazy on all the phpMyAdmin stuff…

    Also, in my eXtend control panel I have an option to Switch PHP Version which says:

    Switch PHP Version
    As standard our servers use PHP4, to make all .php files on your website execute as PHP5 click the button below.

    Would that help?

    Again, thank you so much ??

    Thread Starter benge



    I just went ahead and switched to PHP 5 which seems to have done the job nicely, plugins are all working and no more nasty errors everywhere.

    My sidebar still seems to have gone AWOL somewhere in the transition but I’m recreating it from the original which shouldn’t take too long.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I was about to say ?? WP works on PHP 4, but sometimes if it’s an OLD version of 4, it gets hinky.

    Pleased you got sorted.
    As a FYI, I use this paid for solution to backup & move WP sites: https://pluginbuddy.com/purchase/backupbuddy/

    Though that won’t help fix a PHP issue, however, this plugin does check server configs: https://pluginbuddy.com/free-wordpress-plugins/serverbuddy/

    Regards, Mark

    Thread Starter benge


    Hi Mark, thanks for those links, I’ve already installed ServerBuddy which is invaluable & I shall be installing it on all my blogs, BackupBuddy also looks great & I’ll be dipping in to the pockets for that one next time I have to do this.

    Thanks! ??

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