Restore back-up (migration) get’s stuck
I try to migrate a website, but it stays at 100% every time. I already tried to the steps from:
this is the restoration log:
[STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:55] Het terugzet proces aan het starten [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Zoeken naar PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand. [WARN] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Het juiste PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand kon niet worden gevond, dit proces is mogelijk instabiel. [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Terugzet proces heeft gereageerd [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Migratieproces vergrendelen [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Het terugzet proces aan het starten [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Backup & Migration versie: 1.2.0 [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Aangepaste foutafhandeling initialiseren [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Site die wordt hersteld [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] PHP versie: 8.0.13 [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] WP versie: 5.9.3 [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] MySQL Version: 5.5.5 [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] MySQL Max Length: 16777216 [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Web server Apache [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Maximale uitvoeringstijd (in seconden) 259200 [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Terugzet proces succesvol ge?nitialiseerd. [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Vrije ruimte controleren... [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Controleren of er voldoende vrije ruimte is [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Vereist minstens 722694703 bytes. [689.22 MB] [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Schijf vrije ruimtefunctie is niet uitgeschakeld - met behulp van het... [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Controleren van dit pad/partitie: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Er is 963,826.13 MB vrij. [941.24 GB] [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Super! We hebben genoeg ruimte. [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 722694703 bytes. [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Maken van nieuwe geheime sleutel voor huidig terugzet proces. [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Geheime sleutel gecre?erd, het wordt naar je teruggestuurd (ping). [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Geheime sleutel succesvol gedetecteerd (pong)! [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Tijdelijke folder maken [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Archief scannen... [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:57] Scan gevonden 27603 Bestanden in de back-up. [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:57] Voorbereiden van batching extractie techniek... [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:57] Bestanden ge?xporteerd per batch: 4000 [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:57] Gebruiken van ZipArchive, we laten geheugen limiet berekeningen weg... [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:58] Extractie mijlpaal: 4001/27604 (14.49%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:00] Extractie mijlpaal: 8001/27604 (28.98%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:03] Extractie mijlpaal: 12001/27604 (43.48%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:07] Extractie mijlpaal: 16001/27604 (57.97%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:13] Extractie mijlpaal: 20001/27604 (72.46%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:19] Extractie mijlpaal: 24001/27604 (86.95%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Extractie mijlpaal: 27604/27604 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Bestanden uitgepakt... [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Wp-config-bestand opslaan... [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Bestand wp-config opgeslagen [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Back-up manifest ophalen... [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Manifest geladen [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.2.0 [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Bestanden terugzetten (dit proces kan even duren)... [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Alle bestanden zijn succesvol teruggezet. [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Splitting process is disabled because v3 restore engine is enabled. [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] De databasestructuur controleren... [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Back-up succesvol gedetecteerd via V2 engine, bezig met importeren... [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Restoring database (using V3 engine)... [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_actions 1/82 (1.22%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 45/3667 (1.23%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 3665/3667 (99.95%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 3667/3667 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Table wp_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 1.10947 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_claims 2/82 (2.44%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_claims: 28/30 (93.33%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_claims: 30/30 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Table wp_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 0.37076 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_groups 3/82 (3.66%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 28/54 (51.85%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 52/54 (96.30%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 54/54 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Table wp_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 0.73376 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_logs 4/82 (4.88%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 32/5454 (0.59%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:35] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 2436/5454 (44.66%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:35] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 4840/5454 (88.74%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:35] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 5452/5454 (99.96%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 5454/5454 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Table wp_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 2.06215 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Started restoration of wp_commentmeta 5/82 (6.10%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_commentmeta: 31/33 (93.94%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_commentmeta: 33/33 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Table wp_commentmeta restoration took 0.31485 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Started restoration of wp_comments 6/82 (7.32%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_comments: 46/286 (16.08%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_comments: 284/286 (99.30%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_comments: 286/286 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Table wp_comments restoration took 0.79926 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category 7/82 (8.54%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category: 27/29 (93.10%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category: 29/29 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category restoration took 1.05723 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form 8/82 (9.76%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form: 33/35 (94.29%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form: 35/35 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form restoration took 0.30739 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock 9/82 (10.98%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock: 30/32 (93.75%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock: 32/32 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock restoration took 0.57346 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master 10/82 (12.20%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master: 73/75 (97.33%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master: 75/75 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master restoration took 0.82098 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite 11/82 (13.41%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite: 27/29 (93.10%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite: 29/29 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite restoration took 1.07829 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question 12/82 (14.63%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question: 48/50 (96.00%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question: 50/50 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question restoration took 0.32882 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic 13/82 (15.85%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic: 34/36 (94.44%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic: 36/36 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic restoration took 0.56915 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref 14/82 (17.07%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref: 35/37 (94.59%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref: 37/37 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref restoration took 0.82705 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template 15/82 (18.29%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template: 29/31 (93.55%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template: 31/31 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template restoration took 1.07182 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist 16/82 (19.51%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist: 34/36 (94.44%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist: 36/36 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist restoration took 0.31483 seconds [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Started restoration of wp_learndash_user_activity 17/82 (20.73%) table [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_user_activity: 42/96 (43.75%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_user_activity: 94/96 (97.92%) [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_user_activity: 96/96 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Table wp_learndash_user_activity restoration took 0.73483 seconds [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Bestand gedownload op (servertijd) 2022-04-21 14:41:49 [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (seconden) 190 seconden geleden [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (datum) 2022-04-21 14:38:39
Thank you!
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