• gregkendallball


    Anyone else having problems with Kubrick’s sidebar not displaying properly in IE 6.0 (Win)? My site looks perfect in Firefox 1.0 (Win and Mac) and Safari, but in IE on Windows, the sidebar doesn’t start until the very end of the posts.

    Anyone else having this issue, or does anyone have a suggestion?

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  • xerocool


    Does anybody have a screenshot?

    Thread Starter gregkendallball


    Dang…I hate it when my n00b-ness shows. You can check the site here: https://www.kendallball.net

    I’ll try to work on a screenshot…

    Thread Starter gregkendallball


    Screenshot available now at https://kendallball.net/screenshot.jpg



    Try taking the width property off the css for #sidebar. That worked for me. Or you could try reducing its width. IE6 has some strange behaviour with padding and margin.

    Moderator James Huff


    This happened to me a while ago. It turned about to be the StatCounter code which I had stuck in the sidebar. After moving it to the footer, I had no problems.

    Thread Starter gregkendallball


    So, the big question here is…do I leave the site as is, and hope that the 3 people who read my site will finally get on the FF bandwagon, or do I bow to the unholy demands of the Microsoft empire, and recode the site to work for the masses?

    Thanks for the help fellas…I’ll tinker with it over lunch.

    God bless the WP User forums!



    I have this problem on my site too running almost stock Kubrick (all I really changed was the header image) on a relatively new install of WP 1.5. I looked in the #sidebar section of style.css and there does not appear to be a width property. Here is the section:

    code#sidebar h2 {
    font-family: ‘Lucida Grande’, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
    font-size: 1.2em;

    Any other suggestions?



    Are you saying the default interface is misconfigurated when viewed in IE ?



    Here’s what’s happening; I can almost guarantee it.

    You have two fixed-width<div>s (the main body and the sidebar) sitting side-by-side inside a parent fixed-width <div>.

    Something is pushing one of those child <div>s wider than it’s supposed to be. FF will adjust, because FF rules, but IE just kicks the sidebar down to the bottom because IE sucks rectum.

    The good news is, with a little CSS, it’s a simple fix. Pick one of the <div>s (either the main body or the sidebar div, I don’t know what the Kubric stylesheet lookslike) and cut the width back, say, 5 pixels. Or drop the padding or margins or something. Try to keep your adjustments under 5 pixels so that the difference isn’t noticable in FF.

    That, and make sure to tell all of your friends how much IE blows baboons.



    What happened for me is this: I put an image in the left column that was too wide. The image overflowed into the sidebar, and IE pushed everything in the sidebar to the bottom. WordPress doesn’t clip the images, you have to do that yourself. In general, image handling in WP could be improved. An automatic image upload would be nice.



    Fixed for me, problem was just as jgpippin said. Set width in the the image tag for images I am inserting at width=”450″. Just have to remember to do that each time posting larger images to force them to the correct width. WP does need a better way to handle images and IE does indeed blow.

    Thread Starter gregkendallball


    Sorry folks…I guess I forgot to update this when I fixed the problem. Apparently macmanx was right…it was the StatCounter code. I moved it to the footer and now everything is peachy.

    Thanks again for all the input…

    I have this same issue but have not been able to correct yet. But will continue to tinker with the css widths.

    I am curious though to know why the sidebar at the bottom of posts problem goes away once I refresh the browser. Any takers?

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