Thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately, we do not support WooCommerce payment plugins, I’m sorry.
All our “Vik” plugins come with a payment methods framework that can be extended by using custom WordPress plugins that declare certain functions to specific hooks (actions). Just like how WooCommerce can be extended with custom payment plugins, our “Vik” plugins, including VikRentCar, can be extended through custom payment plugins.
You can find a technical documentation on our official website, where we explain step-by-step how to create a custom payment plugin that declares the necessary PHP classes for our plugins to be able to start and validate payment transactions for any rental order.
Also, please notice that the free version of the plugin does not support custom payment methods, this is something available only in the commercial version of the plugin, but you could always test a custom payment plugin with the free version of VikRentCar as the only thing that is missing is the back-end interface to add a new payment method record by selecting your custom-made payment plugin from the apposite drop down menu. All it would take in this case is to manually execute a query onto your database to insert a record so that you can test your custom payment plugin. Otherwise, the commercial version will obviously allow you to create a new payment option by choosing the driver among the installed payment plugins compatible.
We hope this helps!
The VikWP Team