• Hello,

    I’m using wordpress 3.0 with the mandigo v1.42 theme and I would like to know how to show the sub-categories or/and the sub-menus for the personnalised menus.
    To show categories, I added thes line of code on header.php:
    <?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&hierarchical=true'); ?>
    Just after this:

    	// wordpress pages, minus the ones excluded in the theme options
    			'sort_column' => 'menu_order',
    			'depth'       => ($mandigo_options['header_navigation_no_submenus'] ? 1 : 0),
    			'title_li'    => '',
    			'exclude'     => @implode(',', $mandigo_options['header_navigation_exclude_pages']),
    	// if you want to add custom static links at the end, use something similar to the following
    	// <li class="page_item"><a href="https://whatever.com/">Go somewhere</a></li>
    	// and put it right before the closing </ul>

    As I said, the mother categories are showen but the sub-categories don’t to!
    Any help?


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