• Hi,

    It’s the same as in this thread.

    There is an issue in the logic of checking for the WP version in order to update deprecated or new option:

    function compatible() {
        return (
            intval( explode( '.', get_bloginfo('version') )[0]) >= 5
            && intval( explode('.', get_bloginfo('version') )[1]) >= 5
        ) ? true : false;

    This is checking for the two first numbers in the version, and returning true if both are bigger or equal 5 which makes no sense:

    5.6.0 -> true
    6.0.1 -> false (because 0 < 5)

    So then the below causes the issue:

    # 'Comment author must have a previously approved comment' (checked)
    if ( compatible() ) {
        update_option( 'comment_previously_approved', 1 );
    else {
        update_option( 'comment_whitelist', 1 ); # deprecated since WP 5.5.0

    Deprecated: Function update_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 5.5.0! Zmieniono nazw? opcji z “comment_whitelist” na “comment_previously_approved”. in /Users/dawid/Local-Sites/pyrkonpanel/app/public/web/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5663

    Ideally function compatible should use version_compare() to identify compatible WP version.

    version_compare( get_bloginfo('version'), '5.5', '>=' )
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  • Please, update plugin and fix this error – DEPRECATAD update_option comment_whitelist to comment_previously_approved

    It’s a very simple fix. We get errors all time!

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