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  • Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @jensseidel, thanks for reaching out to us, and bringing this to our attention. I went ahead and investigated the issue, and I was able to replicate it. This looks like a bug in our plugin. I already created an internal bug ticket for this, and I have added your case to it. Thanks for all the details, I will definitely pass it along to our devs.

    I am unable to provide an exact date or time estimate for when this bug will be fixed, but you’ll be notified when there are any updates.

    Appreciate your patience, and we’re looking forward to helping you solve this. If you do have other concerns or issues you need help with, please create another ticket, as it helps us track different issues.

    Again, thank you for your patience.


    Internal Bug Ticket Reference:

    This saves my sanity, I’m seeing the same behavior at The 404 errors seem related to the query string &eventDsplay=Past.

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @nancyhildebrandt, yikes. Let’s see. I was able to load the page via this URL →

    Could you confirm that the page loads on your end as well?


    Thread Starter Jens Seidel


    I checked the last days again to verify whether the bug is already solved in the newest version but it is not. I have now even 2 little more problems than before ??

    First as background my script to check my site for link errors:

    # use wget for recursive download (use --debug in case of trouble):
    wget --no-verbose --execute robots=off --no-clobber --protocol-directories --page-requisites --recursive --level inf --exclude-directories '\"https:\' --output-file=log --rejected-log=rejected
    # search for broken links below my site (no check of external links!)
    grep FEHLER -B1 log | grep -v "FEHLER 404" | grep -v "https:%5C/%5C/" | grep -vE '/seite/([0-9]+)/page/\1/' | grep -v -- '--'

    (For English locale please use ERROR instead of FEHLER)

    The last two grep -v are necessary to workaround (exclude) The Events calendar problems, namely thousands of broken links such as


    So it is not ONLY “eventDisplay=past”.

    This results in:
    2022-12-13 02:27:51 FEHLER 405: Method Not Allowed.

    The last two URLs are new and are indeed not resolvable. New bug! But happily only 2 of them.

    For Completeness: For validity of external links search in log file “rejected” all SPANNEDHOSTs:

    grep "^SPANNEDHOST" rejected | awk -F$'\t' '{print ($3=="SCHEME_HTTPS" ? "https://" : "") ($3=="SCHEME_HTTP" ? "https://" : "") $4 ":" $5 "/" $6 ($7=="" ? "" : ";") $7 ($8=="" ? "" : "?") $8 ($9=="" ? "" : "#") $9}' | sort -u > urls.extern
    wget --no-verbose --spider --output-document=output.tmp --output-file=log.extern --input-file=urls.extern
    # Further search in logs for different errors
    grep "kann nicht aufgel?st werden" log log.extern # English: "could not be resolved" (or similar, host not found)
    grep ERROR -B1 log.extern
    grep -vi "^unlink: File or" log log.extern | grep -v "200 OK$" | grep -v "^202[2-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] "


    The last exclusion is necessary because of links similar to

    which cannot be resolved!?

    Thanks for looking into this Abz!

    BTW I’m using the Integrity link checker app on Mac. It’s reporting 827 broken links out of 98811 links checked on 21086 pages. I filtered out the links related to and come which produce more errors so nearly all of the link errors are 404’s for links that include the query string &eventDisplay=past .

    So this is really bizarre. Go here, this is a GOOD link:
    To the left of the Today button, click the Left Arrow, which takes you to the previous set of past events–it’s got ‘/page/4/’ in the URL. It displays some events, right?
    Now refresh the page. Now you get a 404 error. But it’s the identical link.

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @jensseidel, thanks for writing back and sharing more information and findings for the new updates. The bug is still not fixed, and the bug ticket is still In Progress. Also we’re working on another bug ticket related to translation particularly with French and German.

    We’d notify you on this thread whenever there are updates.

    Hang in there,

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @nancyhildebrandt, yikes! I was able to replicate the issue on your website here. I am curious about what version of the plugin you’re using. Can you provide more details?

    It seems like this is not related to the main thread here. We’ve fixed something like this before, found on our v1, which are the legacy views.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    TEC Version Would you like me to create a new post to report this?
    I see this notice in Settings: “We have fully removed the legacy views from The Events Calendar 6.0. Your views have been automatically updated.”
    I do recall getting a notice recently (before using the link checker) that the TEC database needed to be updated to match the latest version of the plugin, so I did that.
    In TEC Settings/Display, the default stylesheet is set to Default Styles and the Events Template is set to Default.
    BTW I’m also using two other TEC-related plugins: The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block v. 2.5.6; and The Events Calendar: Category Colors v. 7.1.1.
    I use the latest versions of Beaver Builder and Beaver Themer. When I first noticed the link errors, I turned off the Beaver Themer layout for the Event Archive pages but it’s still in use as a layout for single events. That doesn’t seem relevant to the problem but I can trying disabling Themer for single events too if you think I should try that.
    Just trying to think of anything that might be related.

    Thanks again,

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @nancyhildebrandt, we would appreciate it if you create another topic regarding this — as it would help us track down issues more efficiently and follow WordPress Forum Guidelines.

    We have fully removed the legacy views from The Events Calendar 6.0. Your views have been automatically updated.

    That’s correct. We already removed Legacy Views and we recommend updating the plugin to the new views. See the article here, to learn more.

    I am curious about this one, I would need more information here. For me to understand and learn more about your setup, could you provide the following version of the following?

    1. PHP
    2. WordPress
    3. The Events Calendar Plugins
    4. Theme and Version

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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