Database connection problem when uploading image
Hello, yesterday I made this script that manipulates the $file in the filter. It seems to work fine because it achieves all its purpose, even loading the image in webp correctly.
But the problem is that in each uploaded file I receive the email “There is a connection problem with the database.”
Does anyone know what is wrong with this? Do not code anything other than this script to manipulate the files.
Sorry it’s fixed now, it seemed to be a grammar error when I typed else instead of elseif.I can’t find a way to delete this question. If they inform me, I will do it since it is solved and it was not necessary to ask
Thank you so much
function max_image_size($file){ $limit = 2048; $size = $file['size'] / 1000; $mbSize = round(($size / 1000),1); list($category,$type) = explode('/',$file['type']); $tmp_name = $file['tmp_name']; $img = getimagesize($tmp_name); $minimum = array('max_width'=>'3000','max_height'=>'3000'); $width = $img[0]; $height = $img[1]; if ($size > $limit){ return array("error"=>"El tama?o de tu archivo es de $mbSize MB y el máximo permitido es de 2 MB."); }elseif($width > $minimum['max_width']){ return array("error"=>"El ancho de tu imagen es $width px y el máximo permitido es {$minimum['max_width']} px."); }elseif($height>$minimum['max_height']){ return array("error"=>"La altura de tu imagen es $height px y el máximo permitido es {$minimum['max_height']}px."); }elseif('image'!= $category || ! in_array($type,array('jpg','jpeg','png'))){ return array("error"=>"Subiste un archivo $type y los formatos permitidos son .jpg, .jpeg, o .png."); }elseif($type == 'png'){ $image = imagecreatefrompng($tmp_name); }elseif($type == 'jpg' || $type == 'jpeg'){ $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($tmp_name); } if ( ! in_array($image,array('NULL',false)) ) { imagewebp($image, $file['tmp_name'],60); $file['name'] = pathinfo($file['name'],PATHINFO_FILENAME).'.webp'; $file['size'] = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']); $file['type'] = 'image/webp'; } return $file; } } add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'max_image_size' ); function restrict_mimes($mime_types){ $mime_types = array( 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpg', 'jpe' => 'image/jpe', 'png' => 'image/png', 'webp' => 'image/webp' ); return $mime_types; } add_filter('upload_mimes', 'restrict_mimes');
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