Hi, Abz, thanks for your reply. What I am trying to accomplish is the following:
1. to be able to choose a past event in the ACF relationship field, which I have accomplished using this code: https://gist.github.com/asadowski10/369b1b60e9280e9b386043d82623f5e0 There, he seems to be removing pre_get_posts from the the Tribe__Events__Query class to stop The Events Calendar from filtering out the past events.
2. to be able to go to the edit post screen and have the past event selected in the relationship field. I have not accomplished this part of the problem. So right now, I can select a past event and save the post, but when I go back to edit the post, the relationship field shows nothing, and I will have to choose the same event again if I want to have that data persist.
My question in this ticket has to do with 2 above. Is there a class The Events Calendar uses to display the events chosen in the relationship field to the edit post screen, and, if so, how can I turn off filtering there so that I can see the past event already selected for this field?
Let me know if this is not clear.