• We had an (guest) order where customer entered their full name, except they entered it the other way around: last name in first name field, first name in last name field.
    This should not be a problem on the label, but in this case it was: only the first name was printed on the label, which caused the recipients’ font desk to refuse the package as there was no last name.
    In shipping manager, I do see there is a first and last name recorded, but when printing the label directly from SM there is no full name either.
    As this was a package for France, I do see that it is being carried by La Poste (as a subsidiary?) and it is no regular Bpost label.

    Just to give all the details: the customer entered her street name, but it had a comma in front: I’m just thinking that this might cause a field to be skipped in the creation of the label. The comma is printed on the label before the street name.

    We are using the latest version of the plugin.

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