• Resolved webmasterfsd


    Hi There,

    Litespeed crawler is not working for me. It got stuck yesterday at this stage and ran indefinitely.

    I’ve tried to fix this by changing settings, sitemap URL update, and deleting directory files from the LiteSpeed crawler, but all are in vain.

    I’ve set up three threads max. But It’s showing at threads six, which was old settings, and got stuck. I don’t know how to fix this. I spend many hours on this issue.

    Start watching…
    20 Aug 2022 22:49:00 Size: 0 Crawler: #1 Position: 1 Threads: 6 Status: end


    I would really appreciate it if you please help me to fix this.


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  • I am not shure if I understand your issue completely, but it would be helpful if you would answer these questions?

    • How many URLs are displayed in crawler tab “Map”
    • In “Summary” tab how many crawler tasks are displayed in the table for cron name, run frequency, status,…?
    • Did you enable Guest Mode, Mobile View or webp Replacement?
    • Are you on shared hosting?
    Plugin Support qtwrk


    you set interval to 604800 which is 7 days , but that means , if crawler will not run again until 7 days past since its last run , try make it 61 or something close for test.

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