Filter Album by Post ID
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to filter albums to only show photos that were uploaded on a particular post? Example: I have an album named Buildings and this album is on multiple posts and on each post I only want to see the photos uploaded from that post. So on post A, I don’t want to see photos from post B in the album.
No, you should either:
1. make a (sub)album for each page, or
2. add a page specific tag to the photos to belong to a particular post and use a shortcode that selects on tags, like
[wppa type="thumbs" album="#tags,pagespicifictag"]
Thank you. How do I make it automatically add the tags from the post to the photo?
How can someone (or a program) find out to what page a photo belongs? or, what is exactly ‘upload from a post’, how do you do that? Does every post have an upload shortcode like
[wppa type="upload"]
?Yes, each post has a short code for the album. Basically every post needs its own album, but I would need that to happen automatically (not manually create an album for all posts), so my alternative was to use one Album and just have the shortcode filter it so each post only sees photos that have been uploaded on that post.
I could make the following enhancements:
– A setting that – when activated – creates an album for each new post with the name equal to the title of the post.
– Add a shortcode optionalbum="#posttitle"
In this case you only need to activate the new setting and add a shortcode to each post like e.g.:
[wppa type="cover" album="#posttitle"]
This looks doable, if you want it, allow me a few days (maybe a week) for implementing
It turns out to be not as complex as i expected.
Download and install as if it is a new plugin.
See for more info on installing a dev version.Just enter a shortcode
[wppa type="cover" album="#posttitle"]
[wppa type="thumbs" album="#posttitle"]
on the post.This is the enhancement:
New virtual album shortcode specification: #posttitle. Example: [wppa type=”cover” album=”#posttitle”]
Shows the album(s) with their names eaqual to the title of the post/page. If such an album does not exist, it will be created with the owner set to the post/page author.-
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
Jacob N. Breetvelt.
This works perfectly, thank you so much!
One other quick question, using type”cover” on the Frontend I click view albums and photos and it loads and shows the sub albums and photos, but it only shows a few of the photos, if I hit refresh it will then show all of the images and pagination if I have that set, is there is simple explanation or fix for this?
A link please so i can inspect the behaviour
I have been using this, but for some reason non admin users cannot see the album this shortcode [wppa type=”cover” album=”#posttitle”] automatically creates. I have the setting set up for users on the Frontened to upload, create albums, edit albums, and delete albums. I also tried changing the WPPA+ related roles and capabilities so they would have all the capabilities of an admin, but they still cannot see it. Other admins can see the album without issue. For non admin users it shows No albums found matching your search criteria. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Is there any other content than the shortcode in the post? Can users see this other content? Otherwise the visibility of the post is possibly set to private. Then only admins and editors can view the post.
Nope, just the shortcode for WPAA and the post is public, they can see the album area, it just shows No albums found matching your search criteria.
The album that is being created as a result of
has set its owner to the user that created the post. The status is initialized as ‘publish’.— visible albums
All albums are visible to their respective owner, admin and wppa super users regardless of their status.
To other users an album is not visible when its status is ‘hidden’.To non loggedin users, an album is not visible when its status is ‘private’ or ‘hidden’.
An empty album is not visible if the ‘skip empty albums’ checkbox ( Settings -> Albums -> II -> Item 7 ) is ticked even when the user is loggedin or the status is ‘publish’ when there are no visible subalbums or visible photos in the album.
— visible photos
All photos are visible to their respective owner, admin and wppa super users regardless of their status.
Photos with their status set to ‘pending’ or ‘scheduled’ are not visible to other users.
Photos with their status set to ‘private’ are also visible to any loggedin user.
Photos with any other status (‘publish’, ‘featured’, ‘gold’, ‘silver’, ‘bronze’) are visible to any visitor loggedin or out.
You are using
[wppa type=”cover” album=”#posttitle”]
and the result is For non admin users it shows No albums found.So, i think the album is empty and you ticked the ‘skip empty albums’ checkbox.
If you want the users to be able to upload photos to it, the owner needs to be set to — public —. If you want this, pls tell me because in this case i will have to add an option setting.Thank you, Settings -> Albums -> II -> Item 7 was what I needed to know. Could you please add an option so the owner is public so other users can upload to it?
Also, do you have a donate link? I would love to donate, your plug-in is great and your support is superb.
I will add that option (owner public)
Donate link:[email protected]&item_name=WP-Photo-Album-Plus&item_number=Support-Open-Source¤cy_code=USD&lc=US -
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
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