• I have been trying to save my daughters’ blog to a PDF and also been trying to print but unsuccessful. I wish I could just hire someone to print this for me. I can never get the preview screen to show the printing material in order to start printing. Same with trying to save as a PDF through the print file page as I don’t know how to do it any other way. I am not tech savy so so much of this is confusing and overwhelming as I try to go through instructions, posts, etc. Maybe someone can help, please or would be willing to print out a copy of my daughters’ blog for memory because her blog page is canceled? Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Michael Nelson


    Hi @mwassell2, sorry you’re having a tough time. It sounds like there might be an error. I will try to investigate tonight or tomorrow, then give you an update.

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    Thank you so much.
    I have tried on 3 computers and get same message about print preview failed or even when saving to PDF preview failed. I have been at this for a few months now.
    No hurry..
    Thank you again,

    Plugin Author Michael Nelson


    Hi @mwassell2, I just used Firefox to download the PDF from your site using this link: https://www.my-life-adventures.com/?format=print&post-type=post&order-date=asc&order-menu=asc&statuses%5B%5D=publish&dates%5Bafter%5D=&dates%5Bbefore%5D=&show_site_title=1&show_site_tagline=1&show_site_url=1&show_filters=1&show_date_printed=1&show_credit=1&show_title=1&show_date=1&show_categories=1&show_featured_image=1&show_content=1&post_page_break=on&columns=1&font_size=normal&image_size=medium&links=include&rendering_wait=200&print-my-blog=1
    It ended up being almost 500 pages long, containing about 1600 images, and being about 750 MB (for reference, Microsoft Word refuses to open files larger than 500 MB).
    Here’s a link to download the PDF I got: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AuMAO_Xs0t43oT69QpREB0suPG93?e=5cAOUC (please let me know once you’ve had a chance to download it, I’ll probably free up the space soon.)
    When I try to use Google Chrome to download the PDF though, after 20 minutes of waiting, it finally tells me “Print Preview Failed” as well.
    So, I’m pretty sure if you try again using Mozilla Firefox, you’ll probably have more success. (Or you may just be happy enough with the PDF I linked-to above which I created from your site.)
    Please tell me if you have any troubles or questions.

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    THANK YOU so much and I am soooo SORRY that I didn’t see this until now. I thought I would get an email letting me know when you reply but never did so thought I better check. I am glad I did. I will try your links now. Yes, google chrome is what I use. Thank you.

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    Your link didn’t work as I assume its been so long since u posted you removed it – understandably so.
    So I tried your second link with firefox (downloaded it) which it worked until I clicked on print to bring up the print dialog box so I could save the document as a PDF and nothing happened once I clicked on print. Then I decided just to start over and try it from the start and I get this message

    Print-Page Ready
    You may now create the PDF using a browser extension.
    Note: Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are recommended for producing PDFs.

    I am not sure what to do from here with how to get the print option to save as PDF.
    Thank you so much. I will keep a closer eye on this for now on and not rely on notifications.

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    I am listening to your tutorial for firefox and see I have to download an extension will do that and see what happens. Thank you for the tutorial. Hopefully once I get through it I will have successfully saved a PDF. ??

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    So i created a PDF file via firefox with extension let it do its thing over night and this morning there is no content in it. Suggestions? I just want to create a PDF so I can take it to a printer and get it printed. Thank you.

    Plugin Author Michael Nelson


    Hi again @mwassell2.
    I’m sorry, yes I accidentally deleted the PDF I shared above (I shared the file via OneDrive on my desktop, and then a few days later thought I’d clean up some unused files and erroneously thought nobody needed it anymore, totally forgetting that I had shared it. OUPS)

    Currently, I’m trying to restore the file so the link will work again, but OneDrive is taking its time. Hopefully this link will work in the next hour or so: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AuMAO_Xs0t43oT7MnA8L_YzsX2Bd?e=KMfGCq (it’s a link to a OneDrive page, where you can click “Download” at the top to actually download the file.

    Regarding using Firefox, actually since I made that tutorial video, Firefox has added the ability to print to PDF without needing an extension, which is what I used last time… but when I retried it today, I’m getting the same thing as you: it’s forever spinning on preparing the print preview. I even tried my suggestion above of only doing the 2021 posts, but even those didn’t work. (I actually tried my mobile browser too, same-ish result.)

    I’m also attempting a paid html-to-pdf service at the moment, although it’s getting late and I might not have an update until Monday.

    But anyway, hopefully the OneDrive link I provided earlier will work and you can download the PDF I created earlier from there.

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    Thank you so much for your help and time you are putting in to this. I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, there are a ton of missing photos in the PDF.

    Do you have any other recommendations on how I can get the blog printed? Kinda running out of time. I have tried a few companies that offer blog to print but a lot of the writing turns out to be in chinese like format font – its weird. And they dont know why thats happening

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    Oh and I now can only use the extension in firefox because I get that weird message I stated above but I still can’t successfully create and save a PDF file.

    Plugin Author Michael Nelson


    Hi @mwassell2, sorry I didn’t notice the missing images. That’s an issue I know sometimes happens though, when PMB requests the images faster than the website is willing/able to serve them.

    The paid HTML-to-PDF service I’ve experimented with worked ok, although even it required me to split the document up into smaller parts.

    It’s a bit of a manual process, but here’s the PDF of 2019: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AuMAO_Xs0t43pQ7VS3vugGs37Ft7?e=CSGPjX

    A few known issues with it:
    * there is a gray strip on the top and bottom of each page. That’s added by the HTML-to-PDF service I used because it’s just a test document. If this is helpful, I can buy a non-test document for you and those will be removed.
    * videos don’t appear in the PDF document
    * the layout with images isn’t the best ever; improved automatic image layout is a feature of PMB Pro, if you’re interested.

    If that PDF of 2019 is satisfactory, I will create one for each year of your blog and will pay for the non-test PDF (it’s just a few pennies). Please let me know.

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    Oh Michael that is so kind of you. I would most definitely be interested and would be more than happy to pay you for it. You have spent so much time on this already.
    Yes, I realize the videos wouldn’t show up and that is fine. I am sure the layout you will do will be just fine. I was able to download part of the 2019 of link you posted – I think its my computer causing some of the issues. Its an older computer.
    That would be wonderful and I would greatly appreciate it. Can you do the images as large as possible?

    Please let me know how and how much I can pay you, plus a little extra for all your time in helping me.

    Thank you again.

    Plugin Author Michael Nelson


    Hi again @mwassell2,
    here’s the watermark-free PDFs:
    2019: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AuMAO_Xs0t43pRMJAKjv546DxlMZ?e=8ahhXG
    2020: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AuMAO_Xs0t43pRV3FZXp-RAd7MOa?e=5O8hOO
    2021: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AuMAO_Xs0t43pRTGlZE_54fePoFF?e=ns5OM5

    If your computer can’t handle opening these large files, you could also try using your phone, or a friend’s computer, or even a computer at a library or something.

    Please let me know once you’ve successfully downloaded and viewed the files so I can free up the cloud storage space.

    Regarding payment: everything on www.ads-software.com is required to be free. If can choose to make a donation if you like though: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cmljnelson

    Leaving a nice review would be helpful too: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/print-my-blog/reviews/

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    thank you so much. I will work on this tomorrow and let you know once completed.

    Thread Starter mwassell2


    If I download the PDF and save them but can’t see all the photos will the photos still appear when i go have it printed? I am thinking maybe the files just aren’t all the way downloaded yet when I view them so not everything is showing but is there in the “background”. If that makes sense. Thank you so much for doing this and your time. I really appreciate it. I only downloaded 2019 so will do the rest now and let you know when I am done.

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