Go to the flugin and edit it. In the “common.php” file go down to the PHP function “fbc_insert_user()” and change the role to “author”.
In the end it should look like this.
function fbc_userinfo_keys() {
return array('name',
function fbc_insert_user($fbuid) {
$userinfo = fbc_anon_api_client()->users_getInfo(array($fbuid),
if ($userinfo === null) {
error_log('wp-fbconnect: empty query result for user ' . $fbuid);
$userinfo = $userinfo[0];
$fbusername = 'fb' . $fbuid;
if (username_exists($fbusername)) {
$userdata = fbc_userinfo_to_wp_user($userinfo);
$userdata += array(
'user_pass' => wp_generate_password(),
WP3.0 requires an unique email address for new accounts. We might
not have one, so give it a unique and identifiably fake address.
'user_email' => $fbusername.'@wp-fbconnect.fake',
'user_login' => $fbusername,
In the event this blog is configured to setup new users as
admins, don't apply that to fbconnect users.
'role' => 'author'
$wpuid = wp_insert_user($userdata);
// $wpuid might be an instance of WP_Error
if($wpuid && is_integer($wpuid)) {
update_usermeta($wpuid, 'fbuid', "$fbuid");
return $wpuid;