• actually i want to remove the ads from the website and reposition them according to website layout..

    visit ma website :: usgadgetonline.com

    there are two ads in between the posts of the home page..

    i have ftp access also..

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  • remove following 2 script from index.php file

    <script type='text/javascript'>
     if(typeof(hyperweb_adcount)=="undefined") hyperweb_adcount =1;
    var m3_u = 'https://www.hyperwebads.com/test/delivery.php'
    document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u);
    document.write ("?hyperweb_sitename="+document.domain);
    document.write ('&hyperweb_adcount=' +hyperweb_adcount++);
    document.write ('&hyperweb_location=bottom');
    document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>");
    <script type='text/javascript'>
     if(typeof(hyperweb_adcount)=="undefined") hyperweb_adcount =1;
    var m3_u = 'https://www.hyperwebads.com/test/delivery.php'
    document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u);
    document.write ("?hyperweb_sitename="+document.domain);
    document.write ('&hyperweb_adcount=' +hyperweb_adcount++);
    document.write ('&hyperweb_location=bottom');
    document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>");
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