@renaisonp Can you please try disabling all Inline Script from being cached?
And to answer your questions,
Your Other plugins worked becuase they are probably not using any kind of Ajax operation.
And Most popup plugins don’t handle form submission, they just shows your own forms and content. They just work as containers. Since Brave also includes Form submission, analytics and all that, it needs to use Ajax Functions. Which needs to generate a secure key which expires within 12-24 hours for security purpose. This key is wordpress standard and used by all the plugins that uses Ajax. The generated keys should not be cached for long.
This caching will also break any plugin that uses a Ajax function to submit/send data to server without page load, like Form submissions and such. You may not be using any plugin like that now, but when you do in future, know that it won’t work with your current cache settings.
Thanks & Regards