Here’s is one way to do this, it’s kind of hackish, but it’ll get the job done. I’m sure there is a more efficient method, it’ll just take time to develop.
First the actual Excerpt
You’ll use the “Excerpt” edit box, just below your post edit box.
Put an <img class="thumbnail" src="path to the image you want">
You can go to the media library and select show to view the info for the image you want, then copy the url for the image from there, and past it into the src=” section of the image tag. Don’t use the insert image button at the top of the edit post box, it’ll only put it at the end of the actual post.
Also you can put any HTML and text you want to use in the excerpt edit box, just like you would in the post edit box</p?
In the style.css .thumbnail{float:left;width:yourwidth;height:yourheight;margin:20px;}
In the index.php find the line that reads something like <?php the_content(‘Read More… ‘); ?> remove this line and replace it with
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
This will force WP to use the information from the excerpt edit box if you put anything in it.
If you don’t put anything in the excerpt edit box, then WP will use the set number of characters from your post(the default is 55) and it’ll strip any images and html from the post.
This method requires you to manually set up each post this way. Only for the Excerpt edit box. The .thumbnail class, and the <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
only need to be set up once.