• Resolved ihsansfd


    I accidentally remove administrator user and it removed all the custom post types that I create using a plugin. So frustrating :’). Fortunately, I have backed up using Updraft Plus.

    The restoration seems to success but it failed restoring the mui-plugins. Actually, I don’t know if it’s only failed in mui-plugins, or it stopped after failed in restoring mui-plugins and I’m afraid if it’s the last one.

    I’m using Windows locally to develop this site. I have set everything to full control in the Windows Permission options. Please do help, I need this site to be live in 2 days.


    0000.046 () Opened log file at time: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:48:16 +0000 on https://icel.local
    0000.047 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.2 PHP: 7.4.1 (cgi-fcgi, Windows NT IHSAN 10.0 build 22000 (Windows 10) AMD64) MySQL: 8.0.16 (max packet size=33554432) WPLANG: id_ID Server: nginx/1.16.0 safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 14.9M | 2M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.047 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 653978.9 MB
    0000.059 () Restore setup, now closing connection and starting restore over AJAX.
    0000.042 () Opened log file at time: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:48:18 +0000 on https://icel.local
    0000.043 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.2 PHP: 7.4.1 (cgi-fcgi, Windows NT IHSAN 10.0 build 22000 (Windows 10) AMD64) MySQL: 8.0.16 (max packet size=33554432) WPLANG: id_ID Server: nginx/1.16.0 safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 14.1M | 2M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.043 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 653979.2 MB
    0000.045 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.048 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.080 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.110 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.117 () Entity: db
    0000.118 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-db.gz, type=db, info=a:0:{}, last_one=)
    0000.118 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-db.gz, 0.6 Mb)
    0000.132 () Database successfully unpacked
    0000.133 () Memulihkan database (pada situs besar akan membutuhkan waktu lama - jika waktu habis (mungkin terjadi jika penyedia hosting web Anda memberlakukan batas resource) maka Anda harus menggunakan metode lain, misalnya phpMyAdmin)...
    0000.140 () Using direct MySQL access; value of use_mysqli is: 1
    0000.223 () Max packet size: 32 MB
    0000.223 () Entering maintenance mode
    0000.224 () Mengaktifkan moda perawatan…
    0000.245 () Backup of: https://icel.local
    0000.246 () Content URL: https://icel.local/wp-content
    0000.246 () Uploads URL: https://icel.local/wp-content/uploads
    0000.247 () Old table prefix: wp_
    0000.247 () Site information: multisite=0
    0000.249 () New table prefix: oe_
    0000.257 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_options - will restore as: oe_options
    0000.573 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_options)
    0000.591 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_options) to final table name (wp_options)
    0000.611 () Restoring prior UD configuration (table: wp_options; keys: 4)
    0000.638 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_users - will restore as: oe_users
    0000.695 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_users)
    0000.706 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_users) to final table name (wp_users)
    0000.727 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_usermeta - will restore as: oe_usermeta
    0000.795 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_usermeta)
    0000.811 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_usermeta) to final table name (wp_usermeta)
    0000.829 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_commentmeta - will restore as: oe_commentmeta
    0000.887 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_commentmeta)
    0000.903 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_commentmeta) to final table name (wp_commentmeta)
    0000.921 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_comments - will restore as: oe_comments
    0001.000 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_comments)
    0001.014 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_comments) to final table name (wp_comments)
    0001.035 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_links - will restore as: oe_links
    0001.088 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_links)
    0001.105 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_links) to final table name (wp_links)
    0001.127 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_postmeta - will restore as: oe_postmeta
    0001.369 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_postmeta)
    0001.381 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_postmeta) to final table name (wp_postmeta)
    0001.399 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_posts - will restore as: oe_posts
    0001.514 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_posts)
    0001.534 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_posts) to final table name (wp_posts)
    0001.555 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_term_relationships - will restore as: oe_term_relationships
    0001.628 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_term_relationships)
    0001.645 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_term_relationships) to final table name (wp_term_relationships)
    0001.663 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_term_taxonomy - will restore as: oe_term_taxonomy
    0001.737 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_term_taxonomy)
    0001.754 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_term_taxonomy) to final table name (wp_term_taxonomy)
    0001.774 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_termmeta - will restore as: oe_termmeta
    0001.832 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_termmeta)
    0001.847 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_termmeta) to final table name (wp_termmeta)
    0001.865 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_terms - will restore as: oe_terms
    0001.916 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_terms)
    0001.932 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_terms) to final table name (wp_terms)
    0001.949 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_admin_columns - will restore as: oe_admin_columns
    0002.012 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_admin_columns)
    0002.029 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_admin_columns) to final table name (wp_admin_columns)
    0002.049 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_podsrel - will restore as: oe_podsrel
    0002.107 () Database queries processed: 50 in 1.96 seconds
    0002.189 () Unlocking database and leaving maintenance mode
    0002.189 () Menonaktifkan moda perawatan…
    0002.190 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_podsrel)
    0002.203 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (oe_podsrel) to final table name (wp_podsrel)
    0002.222 () Finished: lines processed: 50 in 2.08 seconds
    0002.223 () Membersihkan sampah...
    0002.237 () Entity: plugins
    0002.237 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-plugins.zip, type=plugins, info=a:3:{s:4:"path";s:61:"C:\Users\ihsan\Local Sites\icel\app\public/wp-content/plugins";s:11:"description";s:6:"Plugin";s:20:"singular_description";s:6:"Plugin";}, last_one=)
    0002.237 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-plugins.zip, 19.8 MB)
    0002.239 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-plugins.zip to C:/Users/ihsan/Local Sites/icel/app/public/wp-content/upgrade/8a4f792a/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0003.463 () Unzip progress: 1002 out of 5693 files (1.7 MB, plugins/codepress-admin-columns/classes/Column/Actions.php)
    0006.120 () Unzip progress: 2003 out of 5693 files (5.4 MB, plugins/gtranslate/flags/32/gu.png)
    0009.142 () Unzip progress: 3004 out of 5693 files (13.1 MB, plugins/pods/tribe-common/src/Tribe/Shortcode/Manager.php)
    0012.673 () Unzip progress: 4005 out of 5693 files (31.3 MB, plugins/quadmenu/lib/ReduxCore/inc/fields/palette/field_palette.php)
    0016.289 () Unzip progress: 5006 out of 5693 files (54.2 MB, plugins/updraftplus/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/CachingEntityBody.php)
    0018.412 () Unzip progress: 5693 out of 5693 files (58.3 MB, plugins/updraftplus/vendor/team-updraft/common-libs/src/updraft-tasks/class-updraft-tasks-activation.php)
    0018.425 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
    0018.427 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
    0018.427 () Moving old data out of the way...
    0019.916 () Top-level entities being moved: codepress-admin-columns, contact-form-7, gtranslate, index.php, members, pods, quadmenu, updraftplus
    0019.987 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0021.447 () Top-level entities being moved: codepress-admin-columns, contact-form-7, gtranslate, index.php, members, pods, quadmenu, updraftplus
    0021.478 () Membersihkan sampah...
    0021.489 () Entity: themes
    0021.489 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-themes.zip, type=themes, info=a:3:{s:4:"path";s:60:"C:\Users\ihsan\Local Sites\icel\app\public/wp-content/themes";s:11:"description";s:4:"Tema";s:20:"singular_description";s:5:"Theme";}, last_one=)
    0021.489 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-themes.zip, 23.8 MB)
    0021.492 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-themes.zip to C:/Users/ihsan/Local Sites/icel/app/public/wp-content/upgrade/ac5b6784/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0024.281 () Unzip progress: 1002 out of 1061 files (33.6 MB, themes/twentytwentytwo/inc/patterns/header-image-background.php)
    0024.440 () Unzip progress: 1061 out of 1061 files (33.9 MB, themes/twentytwentytwo/theme.json)
    0024.445 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
    0024.445 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
    0024.446 () Moving old data out of the way...
    0024.710 () Top-level entities being moved: icel, index.php, twentytwenty, twentytwentyone, twentytwentytwo
    0024.711 () Error message: Could not move the files into place. Check your file permissions.
    0024.711 () Error data (move_failed): C:\Users\ihsan\Local Sites\icel\app\public/wp-content/themes/icel -> C:\Users\ihsan\Local Sites\icel\app\public/wp-content/updraft/themes-old/icel
    0024.711 () themes: C:/Users/ihsan/Local Sites/icel/app/public/wp-content/themes: deleting contents (as attempts to copy failed)
    0025.601 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0025.864 () Top-level entities being moved: icel, index.php, twentytwenty, twentytwentyone, twentytwentytwo
    0025.981 () Membersihkan sampah...
    0025.992 () Entity: uploads
    0025.992 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:61:"C:\Users\ihsan\Local Sites\icel\app\public/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0025.992 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-uploads.zip, 33.3 MB)
    0025.994 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-uploads.zip to C:/Users/ihsan/Local Sites/icel/app/public/wp-content/upgrade/59bfef4a/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0026.686 () Unzip progress: 74 out of 74 files (36.1 MB, uploads/wpcf7_uploads/.htaccess)
    0026.690 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
    0026.691 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
    0026.691 () Moving old data out of the way...
    0026.725 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0026.753 () Membersihkan sampah...
    0026.766 () Entity: others
    0026.767 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-others.zip, type=others, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:53:"C:\Users\ihsan\Local Sites\icel\app\public/wp-content";s:11:"description";s:7:"Lainnya";}, last_one=1)
    0026.767 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-others.zip, 0.7 MB)
    0026.769 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-10-2120_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_e79ef3a93305-others.zip to C:/Users/ihsan/Local Sites/icel/app/public/wp-content/upgrade/e07b5950/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0026.949 () Unzip progress: 74 out of 74 files (2.5 MB, mu-plugins/icel-whitelabeling.php)
    0026.960 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory (line 309, C:\Users\ihsan\Local Sites\icel\app\public\wp-admin\includes\class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0026.966 () Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (C:/Users/ihsan/Local Sites/icel/app/public/wp-content/mu-plugins)
    0026.969 () Restore failed...
    0026.970 () Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (C:/Users/ihsan/Local Sites/icel/app/public/wp-content/mu-plugins)
    0026.970 () Restore failed
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by ihsansfd.
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