• Hi there. Yesterday I had my website moved to a new host. After some DNS problems that took them over an hour to fix, everything seemed to be okay. Then I decided to edit a post, and when I was done, I clicked the blue update button, but nothing. I tried this with several other posts, and even tried different browsers, but the same thing. Can anyone help me remedy this issue? Could the migration of my site caused this?

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  • The problem may occur due to problems with browser caching. To fix this issue, hard refresh your web browser & clear your browser cache.
    Also, check if the problem occurred because of WordPress or CDN Caching.

    Sometimes, your site might be working fine, but you might still have this issue; this often happens due to a lack of memory, or other circumstances could cause this, and only the server logs can point to the exact reason; you can ask your hosting company for the same.

    Check if the issue is fixed after increasing the memory, divide your work into a few templates and paste them into another page.

    Also, this can happen due to parameters set on your server. For instance, HTTP/HTTPS conflicts. Adding an SSL certification to your site can solve the issue.

    Thread Starter Lismich


    Hi, there! Thank you for responding and all the helpful information. It turns out it must be due to an SSL problem because when I go to edit posts, it shows as ‘Not Secure’. I installed Real Simple SSL and used that, but the edit post area is still showing as ‘not secure’ in the URL, even though I can now update posts.

    I also noticed the posts I cannot update after editing are the ones I used the Google Search bar on my site to find. When I click on a post from the results, I cannot update any post after editing! So strange! This never happened before the migration.

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