• Hi! I have a couple of issues where I believe it’s room for improvement regarding “mentions” in the p2 theme, as described here:

    Basically, it would be nice if
    – the “tooltip” text (when hovering) for both comment and post authors included their username, and
    – it would be possible to either auto-add users posting blog posts (when this is set to open for any registered user: this would be important both in a multisite environment and on wordpress.com) or at least let the blog administrator somehow get the email address of the poster, so that s/he can be added manually.

    Is this doable? I could happily add those tooltips myself, but the second part of my question exceeds my coding prowess…

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  • Some wysiwyg would be useful too.

    Add an option to enable notifications on comments too.

    I’m not sure I understand the tooltip thing. Why do you need to see the username?

    For the automatic registering of users posting the blog, that’s an idea we’ve heard a lot and we’re considering how to implement that in a future version.

    Thread Starter Peter Holme Obrestad


    thanks for the response ?? if you’re using mentions, you have to write @username, right? but most often, the display name is not equal to the username, (like for instance zè = vanillalounge). If the username isn’t displayed as for instance a tooltip, I can’t figure out any other way to get to know what to write after the ‘@’ to mention somebody…

    Peter, that’s a great point. I understand now. ??

    As a follow-up note, you can trigger mentions using the user’s “Display Name” also, which is what P2 displays as the author for a new post or author of a comment. The mentions “name map” tracks both username and display name.

    Thread Starter Peter Holme Obrestad


    hmm… does that really work if the diaplay name has a space in it? Maybe the problem was just that the “author” wasn’t added to the blog.. maybe someone (ehrr..) should write a function that pops up suggestions when you start writing mentions ?? (would that be resource intensive? slow down the site?)

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