While waiting for the official fix, I looked at the code and here is part of the fix, which allows successful add or delete but without feedback or the ability to edit the details. So you have to reload the page to see the changes.
1. There is a missing argument (“v” for view) in the GET to check that the calendar is modifiable.
Edit the file: cp-multi-view-calendar/DC_MultiViewCal/src/Plugins/multiview.js
To add the “v” argument in the URLs (around line 205:
url: DATA_FEED_URL + "&method=list&calid="+calendarId+"&v="+config.id,
quickAddUrl: DATA_FEED_URL + "&month_index="+i18n.dcmvcal.dateformat.month_index+"&method=add&calid="+calendarId+"&v="+config.id,
quickUpdateUrl: DATA_FEED_URL + "&method=update&calid="+calendarId+"&v="+config.id,
quickDeleteUrl: DATA_FEED_URL + "&method=remove&calid="+calendarId+"&v="+config.id,
2. The test to remove an event depends on another function that checks the view capability of WordPress – but view cap is only granted to logged in people.
Edit the file: cp-multi-view-calendar/php/datafeed.php
And comment the “exit;” line on cpmvc_confirm_basic function (line 85).
This is a temporary and partial fix but it at least restores the editing of the agenda for the “add” and “delete” actions.