Rewrite rule under ISAPI_Rewrite
Hey there! I’m working on making pretty URL rewrites, but the server the install is on is IIS. ISAPI is up and working, but there’s a problem with the rewrite rules and even though I’ve trouble-ticketed the host I don’t think they know exactly what’s going on. The following is the rewrite rules they gave me:
[ISAPI_Rewrite] # Force a trailing slash character on folders in the browsers RewriteCond Host: (.*) RewriteRule ([^.?]+[^.?/]) http\://$1$2/ [I,R] RewriteRule (.*\.(?:jpg|gif|css|txt|xml|html)) $1 [I,L] # For file-based wordpress content (i.e. theme, admin, etc.) RewriteRule /wp-(.*) /wp-$1 [L] # For normal wordpress content, via index.php RewriteRule ^/$ /index.php [L] RewriteRule /(.*) /index.php\?$1 [L]*
Rewrites work if they are in the form of, for example, /index.php/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ . But not if they are /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ . The index.php is required.
Can anyone here please help me out with the rewrite rule? Thank you very much.
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