• ampersand


    Hi! I run a moderately busy poliblog (1000-2000 hits a day), using WordPress. My server has recently kicked me off, saying that my blog was too much stress or traffic or something.

    Here’s the info I got from the server. I’m pretty computer-illiterate – can anyone tell me in plain English what’s going on? Have I got WordPress set wrong somehow? Did I go through a DoS attack? Or do I just need to find a better server?

    Many thanks!


    we suspended and moved your account to “Quantz” server because of the following reasons.

    Too many php processes and mysql connections caused Europa to hang.
    Here are the log files from Europa:

    Processes running while server had load issues:
    freedo15 9616 0.0 0.1 14940 5728 ? S Feb24 0:01
    theenn2 29054 2.3 0.1 14556 7156 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29062 7.8 0.2 15128 7800 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29134 3.0 0.1 14408 7080 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29191 3.5 0.1 14420 7080 ? S 17:09 0:00
    root 29266 1.0 0.1 12796 4576 pts/2 S 17:09 0:00
    /usr/local/bin/php -q /etc/lunarscripts/menu/shell_runp
    theenn2 29289 15.5 0.1 14904 7500 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29301 8.0 0.1 14520 7068 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29325 15.0 0.1 14420 7076 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29466 2.2 0.1 14540 7152 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29534 11.0 0.2 15132 7748 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29537 12.3 0.2 15128 7748 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29542 3.3 0.1 14416 7080 ? S 17:09 0:00
    theenn2 29644 0.0 0.1 14424 7080 ? S 17:09 0:00

    MYSQL log:
    | 2073 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT | Query |
    4 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*,
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas |
    | 2078 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT | Query |
    4 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*,
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas |
    | 2079 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT | Query |
    2 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*,
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas |
    | 2083 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT | Sleep | |
    | 2084 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT | Query |
    2 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*,
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas |
    | 2607 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT
    Query | 6 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*,
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas || 2608 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT |
    Query | 6 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*,
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas || 2610 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT |
    Query | 5 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*,
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas |
    | 2612 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT
    Query | 5 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*,
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas |
    | 2613 | theenn2_amptoons | localhost | theenn2_MT
    Query | 3 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT alas_posts.*
    MAX(comment_date) AS max_comment_date FROM alas_comments,
    alas_posts WHERE alas |………….

    Your account’s STATS before we suspended your account:

    theenn2 theennead.com
    Average cpu usage : 6.66%
    Average memory usage:1.63%
    Average Mysql Usgae : 0.6
    Top Process%CPU 72.0/usr/bin/php
    Top Process%CPU 63.0/usr/bin/php
    Top Process%CPU 50.0/usr/bin/php

    Hence we moved you to Quantz first to solve the issue of the degraded service on Europa and second as a courtesy in order to prevent any downtime on your site to allow you time to rectify the situation. Currently, your site is not suitable for a shared hosting environment.

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 36 total)
  • Root


    Is this a plug-in thing ?

    Moderator James Huff


    Ampersand, pack you backs and change hosting providers. Anyone who cancels your account for an average CPU usage of 6.66% is way off their rocker. Follow this guide for moving WordPress:


    I recommend https://www.dreamhost.com (they’re pretty much dedicated to WordPress).

    Thread Starter ampersand


    Anyone who cancels your account for an average CPU usage of 6.66% is way off their rocker.

    Thank you! That’s reassuring to hear.

    So if that CPU usage isn’t all that high, then I have no reason to worry it was a DoS attack, right?



    But a top of:
    Top Process%CPU 72.0
    Top Process%CPU 63.0
    Top Process%CPU 50.0

    is pretty much.

    I got the same problem, I got two WP-blogs on a friends server and everytime someone goes to my blog the CPU goes to 100%.
    It’s open lots of connections, about 10 to the SQL.

    ampersand, acrylamid:

    Are either of you using the staticise plugin ?
    Could you list – here or send me by email – all your active plugins and any other additions to core code you may have made ?

    I’ll pass any details on to the right people.

    (Any other details: php version / mysql version would be great too)

    Moderator James Huff


    Also, are you two getting a lot of referral or comment spam from highprofitclub.com or doobu.com?



    That looks like the latest comments plugin, to me.

    Thread Starter ampersand


    Thanks to everyone for your feedback and help! I really appreciate it.

    Coldforged and Podz:

    I do have the “latest comment” plug in. It’s pretty essential to the blog (there are a lot of very active comment threads) – could that be what’s causing the problem? If so, will all servers object to it? I’d hate to lose that.

    Let’s see: I also have the “solve this math problem” spam blocker hack, the “5 random posts” plug-in (which is actually part of the latest comment plug-in), a “subscribe to comments” plug-in, and the “live comment preview” plug-in. There may be some others (I don’t have access right now, due to it being taken offline, so I’m going by memory), but that’s most of them.

    I don’t have staticize – I haven’t heard of that one.

    I’ll post again later with the Php/My Sql details.

    I haven’t been getting any more spam than usual lately, and neither of those names are especially familiar. Most of what I get is texas hold-em spam.

    I do have the “latest comment” plug in

    Version ?



    I have not istalled any staticise-plugin. The only static I have is the static on ordinary dashboard with the latest comments, latest posts etc.

    I don’t get any spam. I haven’t change anything with the comments/spam options. It is the installed defualt settings.

    Active plugins:
    WP Plugin Manager
    HTML Area

    These two plugins I installed today:
    Flickr Gallery
    Run PHP

    +a lot of in-active plugins such as textile, markdown and some other.

    My friend think the problem started after I upgrade to 1.5
    sending PHP and mysql version later.

    ((sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand me)) ??



    Mysql Version: 4.0.23-7 (debian unstable)

    https://nix.fulhack.nu/phpinfo.php (For all other information)



    The second blog I have I started for a few days ago. It’s acting the same way and I have not downloaded any plugin. The only plugins I have is the plugins you get when you installed it. No one of them are active.



    what host are you using? that name looks like a lunarpages server name…

    if you are on lunarpages please let me know as I was about to start an online magazine using them, and with those statistics and getting booted I certainly wont stay with them (my site is in dev stage atm)

    This is being discussed right now, and once we have something to post here, it will appear ??



    shadow was on LP and he has the same problem. This might be a host config issue ?

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