Thanks for the kind words, vikosta!
clappingtree: this feature is really not the best use of resources for most blogs. I wrote my plugin because one site that I manage (but to which I do not contribute) is read primarily by people unfamiliar with content aggregation (RSS and ATOM). Content aggregation is a far better mechanism for update notification. It uses less resources on both the client and the server; it benefits from working in aggregate (sites likes bloglines fetch the latest update and then all bloglines subscribes for that site can read the update, representing massive savings in bandwidth); and subscribing to content is strictly a client-side operation: you don’t need to fork over your email to a potentially unscrupulous site looking to sell a subscriber list.
If my plugin works for some folks, I think that’s great. I think it’d be even better if everyone using my plugin would make modest efforts toward educating their subscribers about the wonder (and power) of content syndication.