• Greetings,

    I am having a permission issue with my multi-site install. The role “Administrator” does not have the permission to edit users on their blog.

    I have ensured the following:

    • define(‘EDIT_ANY_USER’, true); is set in wp-config.php
    • The Super Admin option’s page for registration and user management are liberal enough to support this action.
    • I have ruled out all plugins affecting this behavior
    • This was a permitted action prior to my upgrade from 2.9.2 to 3.0.1

    Has anyone run into this behavior or have suggestions on something I could be missing?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • WP3 Multisite Administrators can’t edit users. WPMU2.9.2 Administrators couldn’t edit users, only SiteAdmin(now SuperAdmin). WP single, yes.

    In multisite, users belong to the network first, then have roles/capabilities to certain sites. Therefore, only the SuperAdmin can edit users.

    A user carries the same(only) profile from site to site throughout your network. In multisite, a user may typically be an admin of their own site, while a subscriber of several others. You can’t allow any admin to change the password of a subscriber as it will also change the password they use to get into the site(s) they admin.

    Editing users belong only to SuperAdmin->Users. Further, in multisite when editing any user, as a SuperAdmin, any user can be promoted to SuperAdmin.


    Thread Starter jakeluer


    Bummer, thanks for the info.

    What we’re finding is, because site admins can’t get into the edit user screens, they can’t promote users. In our install a user signs up, and gets the default role of Subscriber. We’d like the blog admin to be able to promote them to Editor.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    tommcgee – You may need to find a membership plugin to give some of your admins elevated rights.

    In our install a user signs up, and gets the default role of Subscriber. We’d like the blog admin to be able to promote them to Editor.

    In every install, by default, a user signs up and gets subscriber status.

    If you want all users who sign up to be an editor, I think there’s a plugins for that. See if this helps.


    We’ve tried that one, and also User Role Editor. Neither seems to do the trick.

    So, are you wanting to bump up specific users or all of them?

    site admins can’t get into the edit user screens

    You don’t need to edit user profiles to promote a user. (Only SuperAdmins must be promoted this way AFAIK)

    We’d like the blog admin to be able to promote them to Editor.

    Are you saying that an Administrator goes to Dashboard->Users ( /wp-admin/users.php) and can’t promote the Subscribers listed there to Editors? Something is amiss. Checkbox next to user and “Change Role” dropdown menu should do the trick. Disable plugins to get this default behaviour working first.

    If the users s/he wants to promote aren’t yet listed at Dashboard->Users, add them first. If there is no Dashboard->Users->Add New menu, enabled it first at SuperAdmin->Options.

    For a sub-blog, the user doesn’t show up in the Users panel because they haven’t been assigned any role at all on that blog yet, not even as a subscriber. They’re in the global system because they are a member of the root blog, but there is no way to search for them.

    It can be done if you know the exact login name and e-mail address they used to register, but if you get it wrong (we’re using active directory authentication) then you’ve created a useless new user. It’s too clunky that way.

    But even from there, the only link an administrator has in the users tab is “Remove.”

    Again, are you trying to add specific users to specific blogs, or all users to all blogs? Cuz we DO have code for this. Just wanna point you in the right direction.

    Andrea, we’re trying to add specific users to specific blogs, one-by-one.

    It can be done if you know the exact login name and e-mail address they used to register, but if you get it wrong (we’re using active directory authentication) then you’ve created a useless new user. It’s too clunky that way.

    Yes, it;s clunk, but…

    if they are added specific users, can’t they just… email the admin of that site and give them the right username / email combo? Stick a form in the sidebar.

    Or hey, here’s a plugin…

    The plug-in you suggest allows you to set a single default role for any user who clicks the “add me” link. The obvious choice is “subscriber,” but once they’re added to the blog, the local administrator STILL cannot change that role — they show up on the Users screen, but the “edit” link is unavailable.

    What’s more, since they’re in the system already you can’t enter them anew with the role you actually want them to have. So they’re stuck as “subscribers” even though you may want them to be editors, and the super administrator still has to be involved.

    they show up on the Users screen, but the “edit” link is unavailable.

    Why can’t you click the checkbox next to user and “Change Role” via dropdown menu?

    Add this option to the widget code to add them as Editors
    <input id="radio4" type="radio" name="privilege" value="editor"<?php if($options['privilege'] == 'editor') echo 'checked';?>> <label for="radio4">Editor</label><br /><br />
    (after the <input id=”radio3″… about Line 170ish)

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