• Hello.

    I’m Dawn. I’m incredibly new to all this web design stuff and have been told numerous times that the best way to learn is through creating a site using WordPress. ??

    Before I ask about themes….is there a “newbie” forum for WordPress? I Googled everywhere and couldn’t find anything. And these forums don’t have a newbie section either (that I could find).

    Now….how do you figure out what features you want in a theme…and even what’s the WordPress terminology for those parts of the theme? I have an idea about what I want the website to look like but can’t seem to figure out how to put that into WP terminology.

    And is there a WordPress Theme Search Engine on the Internet? I know there’s one in .org but I can’t seem to find the specific characteristics I’m looking for in a theme.

    If anyone wants to know more about what the website design I’m looking to create, please contact me personally.

    Thanks! I really look forward to learning from all of you.


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