Hi @olympesimon
The current image sizes seem to be caused by two things:
1. The set slider size is 500x400px at Slider Settings > Size:
and the Limit Slide Width is enabled preventing the slide content from being wider than the given 500px width.
2. The image layers have fix 90% width and height set at the Image layer > Content tab > Size:
Are you trying to display the images in the biggest possible size?
With your current setup you should disable the the Limit Slide Width option and change back the image width and height values to “auto”.
Or, an alternative (and maybe simpler) solution would be instead of using the image as an image layer, you could set it as the background of the slide:
It’s based on the “Slide background image fill” option: https://smartslider.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1809-slider-settings-slides
how your images look like in the slider. By default the “fill” option is used which will make the image as big as it needs to be to cover the whole slider. This means that if the slider and image ratios differ, the image will be cropped.
To avoid this behavior you could change the fill mode to “fit” or “blur fit” instead. This way the images could fill the whole slider and would be much bigger than they’re now.
Also, I noticed that you’re using Smart Slider 3 Pro on this site. Since you’re a Pro customer, please contact us directly for support at:
if you have any further questions. (If its about the same issue, you can refer to this topic.)
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