• pxMEDIA Agency


    Hello there,

    I’m trying to add a new user to the wordpress dashboard after doing the process
    useres > Add New > filling the information > add new user nothing happens and i cant see the user on the users list.
    after i checked the network in browser dev tools i noticed that the request of user-new.php response with 302 status code.

    Request URL: https://www.netcom-cs.de/wp-admin/user-new.php
    Request Method: POST
    Status Code: 302 
    Remote Address:
    Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
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    date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 15:11:58 GMT
    expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
    location: users.php?update=add&id=0
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    :path: /wp-admin/user-new.php
    :scheme: https
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    can you please help me fix this problem?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • bernhard-reiter



    the 302 status code is expected when creating a new user (it basically redirects the browser from the “Add New User” screen back to the list of users). Can you confirm that you are redirected back to that screen, or are you left at the “Add New User” screen? Is there any error message at all (especially near the top of that screen)?

    We’ll need a bit more information to figure out what might be the cause. Do you have any plugins installed? If so, please disable all of them and try again — there’s a chance that one of them is getting in the way.

    Finally, could you check the “Console” tab in your browser’s dev tools and share its contents after attempting to create a user?

    Thread Starter pxMEDIA Agency



    i tried to deaktivate all the plugins and still not adding the user.
    After submitting the new user information it takes me back to the list of users.

    and there is no error messages at all and the console doesn’t show any information.

    the only information that i could get is the headers information of user-new.php.
    and this is the payload

    [email protected]
    Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen

    the response tab shows : Faild to load response data: no content available because this request was redirected

    I think you can try with re-installing wordpress core files on server? Also try switching to default wp theme and see if it works?
    I think the above 2 steps can narrow down debugging

    @pxmediaagency The payload looks fine, as is the “Failed to load response data: no content available because this request was redirected” message — it results from the redirection back to the users list (I get the same upon successful creation of a new user).

    So the weird thing is that all of this seems like pretty normal behavior — except of course for the lack of newly created user. This may be a bit of a long shot, but can you tell me how many users currently show up in that list of users?

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