• Resolved Steel Rat


    Hello, love the style plugin!

    However, there are a few things missing, or maybe I just can’t find them (there is a LOT of stuff in there!)

    In the Topics Index section, for Super Sticky and Sticky topics, by default the background color is light yellow, and the fonts are light grey, not easy to read at all. I can change the background color of the super and sticky, but have to make it very dark for all those fonts to be readable. And not all the fonts are changeable in your plugin. Such as the link to the topic starter profile, and the freshness font (can only change the font size and style, not the color).

    Also, the topic starter avatar seems to be hardcoded (very bad idea) in BBP to 14×14, sooo tiny. It’s also floating above the line of the rest of that text, just doesn’t look right. I’d like to have that as a configurable item, if possible.

    Also also, in the Topic Reply/Display, I’d like to be able to set the author information block apart, with a background color or something. I was able to do this with custom CSS, but it’s clunky, since it changes the font background color in the header and footer of that little section. Not ideal.

    Thanks so much for your time! And I sent you a few bucks as incentive ??

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  • Thread Starter Steel Rat


    Disappointing that after donating, I don’t even get a reply.

    Plugin Author Robin W


    @steel-rat – first of all apologies that I didn’t reply and many thanks for your kind donation. Whilst it is no excuse, I am just a guy sat in his kitchen writing code when I can, I have 2 day jobs and try and help where I can, but I don’t always succeed. Sometimes things get missed and your post was one of them.

    I would say that I am not a bbpress author, I just started using bbpress and got interested in improving how it looks and works.

    On stickies, I’ll take a look if I get a moment.

    On topic avatar – yes I agree, but that size is an item in the bbpress template so a custom template is needed to fix.

    If you’d care to paste the css you used to get the author background to look better, I’ll see if I can help on that

    Plugin Author Robin W


    on the author, this will change the block, but keep the header and footer as is

    li.bbp-header div.bbp-reply-author, li.bbp-footer div.bbp-reply-author {
    background : transparent ;
    .bbp-reply-author {
    background : green;
    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    Understood about your time. Sorry, I just got a little frustrated.

    This is what I used for the author block in the Additional CSS section of Appearance>Customize:

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-author, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-author {
        float: left;
        text-align: center;
        width: 115px;
        background-color: #eaeaea;

    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    When I applied your custom CSS after removing mine, it didn’t have any effect, the author block bg was the same color as the reply text area.

    I had done some other fiddling around and had another CSS snippet which corrected the header and footer problem. So I eventually figured out what I needed to do there.

    So right now, the Sticky and Super Sticky options are bugging me. If I could change the font colors along with the background colors, it would work better. I haven’t been able to figure out the CSS to control the font color.

    Thanks for your time and effort.

    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    I see now, again. There is a topic author and a reply author. Yours was only for the reply author. So mine works for both. ??

    For clarity, here is what I’m using to solve the author (topic and reply) block issue.

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-author, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-author {
        float: left;
        text-align: center;
        width: 115px;
        background-color: #eaeaea;
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-footer, #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header {
        background: #eaeaea;
        border-top: 1px solid #eee;
        font-weight: 700;
        padding: 8px;
        text-align: center;
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Steel Rat.
    Plugin Author Robin W


    on sticky topics try

    .sticky a.bbp-topic-permalink , .super-sticky a.bbp-topic-permalink {
    color : green ;
    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    That didn’t seem to do anything. What should it have done?

    Plugin Author Robin W


    that should have turned the text on stick and super sticky to green

    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    It didn’t have any effect.

    When I inspect the page, I can see that CSS when I drill down. But the color property has a strikethrough, so isn’t active for some reason. Probably being overridden by something else?

    Plugin Author Robin W


    ok, try

    .sticky a.bbp-topic-permalink , .super-sticky a.bbp-topic-permalink {
    color : green  !important ;
    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    Thanks again for the help.

    That last snippet only covered the topic name, all the other text included in the sticky background color needs to change along with it. But with your lead, I was able to get most of them to change. The only one that doesn’t is the freshness, since that’s a link inside a list item, and the link has no CSS class attached to it.

    Here’s what have:

    .sticky a.bbp-topic-permalink , .super-sticky a.bbp-topic-permalink, .bbp-topic-started-by, li.bbp-forum-reply-count, li.bbp-forum-topic-count, li.bbp-topic-reply-count, li.bbp-topic-voice-count, a.bbp-author-link, li.bbp-topic-freshness {
    color : green  !important ;

    That will probably need to be a custom template change, which I’m not sure how to do.

    Anyway, I don’t want to take up any more of your time. Thanks again!!

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